Midheaven and Vocation


Planets are seen as more influencial..e.g. because of their organic or physical if you will energies or actuality. Nodes are in general seen as not taking a conscious role in our development in comparison to planets. Like midpoints these sublter things make interesting subject in their own right of study although not the immediately a major part of the fabric. Eventually its up to the chart reader themselves. However, these are some of the reasons why I look at the Moon nodes in general and in this case.

The moon nodes are also seen as operating on a more subtler level than planets and also being able to recieve apspects from planets. The expectation and approach to nodes are not the same as dealing with a planet. Moon nodes are always in an opposition tying in hemispheres and quadrants. In a question about the moon and also conjunct an angle its a useful move to look at the placement of the moons nodes. If moon nodes are in major or significant transit, apsect, conjunction, confirguration, or place in the chart they are drawn into the forefront more significantly. Horary, vedic, natal, vocational astrology and such all utilize the moons nodes very much , with interesting results, even though it is a mathematical lines or points of reference in our chart instead of physical body..e.g. planet. I've in my own chart as well others found also eyeopening correlations that re-enforce the planetary picture. Nodes are not at the immediate top of the list unless very unusual case, but they like many subtler things invite us to look deeper. They are as well guides and provide insight to the direction and lessons for in the "here and now". The moons nodes are also the place where eclipses occur.

All planets have nodes http://www.astrologyhoroscopes.info/planetnodes.htm



sagitarrian MC

someone posted earlier that they have an MC in sagitarrius and so they don't like working....my father has the same MC and he is a successful translator for his career. i think that fits in pretty well with the sagitarrian profile.