Oracle Wish List for 2011?


Ok now because of you guys I know need to add The oracle of Visions to my list.
The first Taort that I bought was the Gilded Tarot, which I just found out was also his, the oracle looks in many ways similar to the type of art in the Tarot. I also like the images on the cloth that comes with the cards.


Belinda2 said:
I also like the images on the cloth that comes with the cards.

For clarification. As I don't want to mislead anyone. The deck package consists of the cards, a companion full color book and CD. The reading cloth I showed on the other thread, (see attachment) is one of many designs and items my wife and I are producing that are themed on the deck, but they do not come with the deck.


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Thank you for the clarification, What will be the price of the reading cloth?


Melissa's Postmark Lenormand (May)
Oracle of the Shapeshifters (August)
Melissa's Wicked Sibyl (tba)
Tea Leaf Fortune Cards 2nd edition (tba)


IheartTarot said:
Melissa's Postmark Lenormand (May)
Oracle of the Shapeshifters (August)
Melissa's Wicked Sibyl (tba)
Tea Leaf Fortune Cards 2nd edition (tba)
You know I would love to have Melissa's wicked sibyl, hope she tells me in her news letter, I don't have face book.


I've got The Druid Animal Oracle Deck by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Its based on the Celtic view of animals found in the British Isles. The card size are a bit big but they look really good and the art work is really nice. I'm still getting the feel for them.


On my Oracle Wish-List:

The Tao Oracle
Tea Leaf Fortune Cards 2nd Ed
Playing Card Oracles
New Colette Baron-Reid deck


MUST HAVE for 2011, Madame Endora's Fortune Cards

At first I wanted to get Ciro Marchetti's Oracle of Visions because I love the art and I already have his tarot deck Legacy of the Divine and I love it. But unfortunately it's too expensive for me so I started searching for a beautiful deck but with a cheaper price and the ones that I liked best are Fairies Oracle and Madame Endora. After reading about the deck I simply fell in love with it. So now I really want this teaser to be my first oracle deck. I believe it speacks my language since I also love to play and tease. I hope to have lots of fun with it.

So, if I were to make a list this is the one:
1. Madame Endora's Fortune Cards
2. Oracle of Visions(2012)
3. Faeries Oracle(2012)