Pentacles - I really don't feel them


First of all thank you for the replies that were positive and helpful, and thank you for the welcome Bodhi Seed.

For those who have linked to useful threads - I will investigate.

For the rest, you have probably taken me too seriously when I said I would get rid of them .... not literally .... just I find them difficult .. and they are my bugbear at the mo! Although to play devils advocate .... you could probably put the same arguments forward for reversals, but that is more acceptable to read without them (and yes I read with reversals) ;).


They are about the real world. They indicate that you should not be thinking spirituality, or airy-fairy, or theoretical when you interpret them, they are about the nuts and bolts of life.

Which makes them the most indispensable suit of all. Can't live without them. :)

Exactly. To disclude a trump from the Tarot, would mean to destroy its entire purpose. It sounds dramatic, I know! But it's a rookie mistake to think that a suit is "just this, or that." Once you've practiced Tarot some more, and begin to appreciate it for its complexity and depth, will you understand that all trumps have a rightful place in it (and for good reason). One supports the other, while the other softens the effect. You could see it as a game of elements, and the aim being absolute power of balance. It wouldn't be a bad idea to start learning the four basic elements and numbers of the Tarot, because you will learn through trial and error that the Tarot revolves around those two very simple principles.


What would we do with air, water, and fire, without earth? All of us and everything we see, feel, smell and think need all of the elements to exsist. You must open your mind and see how all things are connected, it so much more then filling in the blanks to an answer.


......Although to play devils advocate .... you could probably put the same arguments forward for reversals, but that is more acceptable to read without them (and yes I read with reversals) ;).
No. Reversals is a reading technique, a matter of personal preference. Some folks don't like to look at pictures upside down, but it doesn't bother others. It has nothing at all to do with the basic structure of reality as reflected by the Tarot suits.

Maybe the point people have been trying to make in this thread has been missed. The element earth, our bodies, the material world, is out there, like it or not. Whether or not there is a suit of Pentacles, the structure of reality still includes those things represented by that suit. I understand that it is not uncommon in Europe, particularly France, to read with the Majors only, no suits at all! That is okay, because it doesn't unbalance the deck, as would happen if Pentacles only were neglected, but it requires a different technique.

In one way or another all the elements of the real world must be taken into account, whether or not they are specifically represented by the four Tarot suits.

Why is eating, drinking, showering, making love, scratching an itch, sustaining life from day to day, so difficult for you to see reflected in the suit of Pentacles? Forget what the book says and begin reading the real Tarot.

Mystic Zyl

Well, everyone has said what I was going to say.....but your sign maybe opposite of might be an air sign, Libra, Gemini or Aquarius.....I am on the cusp of Leo/Virgo and I don't feel close to the swords, no pun intended.


Well, everyone has said what I was going to say.....but your sign maybe opposite of might be an air sign, Libra, Gemini or Aquarius.....I am on the cusp of Leo/Virgo and I don't feel close to the swords, no pun intended.
Interesting idea, but an aversion to Swords may even afflict Geminis, Libras, and Aquarians, don't you think? I'm Aries/Taurus, but I still have thoughts (Swords) and feelings (Cups). If the Nine or Ten of Swords pops up, I may think, 'Hell's bells!' but it doesn't make me wish there were no Swords. I'm just not enough of a masochist to relish certain Sword events. Although I'm very much a Mars person (Sun in Aries, Mars in Taurus, born on a Tuesday, and some might say belligerent as hell), I still don't say 'Goody, goody!' when the Tower appears.

Mystic Zyl

Not sure about swords would bother a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius are air signs as to me sword are air, they should be compatible. Cusp of Aries/Taurus hmmmm fire and earth like my cusp...there are so many planets that make a chart beside the sun sign. I have do not have one air sign in my I definitely do not feel the vibes of swords. Although my communication is not stunted, I have Mercury in Virgo.

I never get excited to see the Tower either......just give me 8 of pentacles all day.


Probably some book about Tarot divination said that Pentacles are money or material possessions. If those were the only things the suit represents, then Pentacles wouldn't be of much use to me either. :)

Oh for sure ... I have already 'got rid of' my 'pentacles' :laugh: or never had them in the first place.


Not sure about swords would bother a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius are air signs as to me sword are air, they should be compatible. Cusp of Aries/Taurus hmmmm fire and earth like my cusp...there are so many planets that make a chart beside the sun sign. I have do not have one air sign in my I definitely do not feel the vibes of swords. Although my communication is not stunted, I have Mercury in Virgo.

I never get excited to see the Tower either......just give me 8 of pentacles all day.

I think it is more basic for that for many; to put it simply; its not the sword suit or the element air, its the title on many of the sword cards (or the meaning in the book or image on the card).

The reason air is tricky is not air in itself it is the association with mind ; THERE is the trickster! ... and the troublemaker ;)

Mystic Zyl

Too much air....can make you an air head? Pentacles with a page and a knight means to me being a student, learning something about life. It also means money and health to me. I suggest you get a RW book to give some insight to the pentacles.