

Taamar said:
HIGH ro fahnt. Like hierarchy, from the same root 'hier' meaning 'holy'.

canid said:
Lookit here!


I was wrong.

Le Fanu said:
I saw Tarot to rhyme with barrow (stress on the first syllable)

I pronounce these words as quoted above.

I think it differs depending on where you are in the world. I'm English so I use an English pronunciation. I think it differs in the USA.


Hmm. I just realized that it kind of depends on context, or even how fast I'm talking. Sometimes I say TAIR-oh (like, I got a new TAIR-oh deck), and sometimes I say Tair-ROH (I've been studying the Tair-ROH).

If we wanted to be true to its origins, we would say it like the French: ta-ROH. But who's to say they've always pronounced it the way they do now?

Heirophant is always with a long i, like in hierarchy.


Le Fanu said:
I saw Tarot to rhyme with barrow (stress on the first syllable)
That is the way how my dictionary advises s to pronounce "tarot".


My friend I'm introducing to tarot asked me the proper pronunciation. I just told her Ta ROH was the french way, TARE oh is the English way, and pronounce it like you want, it doesn't matter..

My daughter in law pronounces it tarrot (as in carrot) Makes me smile...I don't tell her it's the wrong pronunciation because she's prone to becoming offended for being corrected. My ex-BF used to say tarrot as a joke, and because I'm a country hick and that's how us country hicks must say it. Sometimes that was offensive but I ignored that too. But then he caught himself saying it to a friend of HIS in that manner, and embarrassed himself. He quit saying it. LOL



I just can NOT bring myself to say tah-rrrRRRROOOHHH simply because I met this lady at Borders who kept saying it over & over & over. Each time, her eyes got really intense, like she was half afraid-awed-ever-too-reverent=weird. At Borders they keep their decks locked up because tarot & bibles are their biggest theft items. The sales clerk turned out to be a tarot reader & we all chatted for a bit while perusing the decks behind glass. Anyway, this woman was shopping for a new deck because her husband had died, I gave condolences & she said something to the effect that no, she was glad he was dead, he deserved to be dead, but he had touched her deck without her permission so it was forever ruined. She drew out the word 'tarot' into a mantra, like 'Om'.


I dunno,....I have heard Tarot pronounced as Tar-o, Taaro, Tarrot, Terot(accent on the first syllable), Tay-rot with a deep southern twang, as long as the persons or person you are talking to knows what you mean,....anything is good.

Hierophant? Pope. lol :laugh:


I usually say TAR-oh as in barrow, but when typing it, for some reason I think of it as T'-ROH. But the funniest thing to me was one day while in Barnes & Nobles asking for help, the helper lady pronounced it Ta-ROT. My daughter and I had to keep from laughing. But, who knows, maybe therre's a group of people who pronounce it that way.


FadeToWhite said:
(I'm sorry for posting so many threads recently - I am new to the forum and to Tarot and I have so many questions!)-FadeToWhite

You shouldn't be sorry for posting so many threads, F2W! We're all getting educated!


I always say "tah-ROW." I was asking about decks at Borders the other day & the clerk acted like he didn't know what I was talking about, and then he said, "Oh, TAR-oh." Where do they GET these people??? *gnashes teeth in frustration* (I notice at our local bookstore, the decks have outgrown their glass case and are now out on the bookshelves, vulnerable and exposed!!!)

Edited to Add: ROW as in Bardot and Merlot !!!


gregory said:
Why - what did you say - and who is to SAY it's wrong ? I have nothing against tarrot as a pronunciation; it is just that it annoys people I know }) (looks for dictionary and realises it has gone AWOL...)

I've been saying Tarot like in carrot... *hides* I must've annoyed so many people who overheard me. :(