what is your soul and personality card?


My personality card is 19.

19: Gros Bon Ange [The Sun]

10: The Market [Wheel of Fortune]

1: Dr. John [The Magician]

My soul card is 1 (Dr. John).

If I did this incorrectly, please let me know. Thx!


amysquie said:
to get your personality card, get the numbers from your birthday and add them up eg. 7th April 1980 would be 7 + 4 + 1980 = 1991. Then reduce this number by adding the digits together eg. 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 20. Any number below 22 is your personality number and each one corresponds with one of the Major Arcana, so 0 would be The Fool, 1 would be The Magician and so on. Your personality card tells you what you have come into this lifetime to learn. If you get 19 then for some reason 19, 10 and 1 all act as both your personality and soul cards.

To get your soul card, reduce your personality number again, so if your personality number was 16 then your soul number would be 1 + 6 = 7. Again your soul number corresponds to the card of the same number from the Major Arcana. Your soul card indicates what your soul purpose is for all lifetimes.

If, like me, your personality number is a single digit eg. 7, then you can't reduce it any further and so your soul number is 7 also. So your personality and soul card are the same. This means you are working on your soul purpose in this lifetime, making you more focused on it.

Hope this helps you and I haven't confused you! I am learning with a book called 'Tarot for Yourself' by Mary K Greer at the moment and the info above is from that. I would highly recommend it. :)


My personality card is the World.. and soul card is the Empress :)


I'm a 5 (thinking of the sleep number commercial) Hierophant.


Personality and Soul card is The Hermit. Hidden Factor card is The Moon.


My personality card- is The Sun
My soul card Is- The Magician
My hidden factor is -The Wheel of Forture


i haven't figured out what mine are, perhaps I will after this...but i don't think the tower would be so bad, really. Sure things get shaken up a bit, but change is entertaining. out with the old in with the new...just gotta roll with it a bit ^_^

Oh, so as not to have to come back and edit, i stopped and figured mine out:
d.o.b. 11/22/1983,,so that would be...18 and 9:

The Moon and The Hermit...now i'll have to go find what this says about me ^_^


hmm as far as Im sure.. im a double chariot... rounds me up rather nice.


Hey phoenixblu, I'm a double Chariot too! Quite jealous of the others that get two cards.


starless said:
Hey phoenixblu, I'm a double Chariot too! Quite jealous of the others that get two cards.

lol i know.... i mean double empress how nice... but I do blame this... for my need to look to never settle... i always want to go in the other direction... funily this time from Montreal - NYC!


Lovers as Personality and Soul Card and Year card for 2008!

I've recently been given a copy of "Tarot for Your Self" by Mary Greer and also spotted this thread. I have the Lovers as my Personality and Soul cards. The year card for 2008 is also Lovers so I guess I have a lot of decisions concerning relationships to pay attention to!!!

Interestingly both my son and daughter also have the Lovers as P and S cards. Has anyone else noticed close friends or family with the same cards?