what is your soul and personality card?


I have the Hermit for both- and I'm a virgo- I guess that's my lesson!


my personality card is justice and my soul card the high priestess, shadow card death.
Personality card justice sums me up...im a libra, with libra rising also i think and when i was younger i always used 2 say "its not fair!" when i wasnt allowed to do something!


Hmm...Wheel and Magician, then? What would that indicate?


I hope I'm working this out right :)
DOB 6th July 1971 -
Personality Card = The Fool
Soul Card = The Emperor
Teacher Card = Death

The Fools one of my favourite cards...so many possibilities..
The Emperor, hubby says that's bang on too, (control freak!)
Teacher Card - Death, yep change is a constant challenge for me &
I'm often on a "fresh start" approach

Thank you for the thread it's very thought provoking...


My birthday is 1st June 1970

1+6+1+9+7+0 = 24 because this number is over 22 I add 2+4 = 6 LOVERS

So this would make my personality and soul card the LOVERS.

Now to understand what this means and how it affects me. :)


Both my personality and soul card are the Hierophant (Faith in the Tarot of Dreams) and that seems to fit pretty well!


Mine, too, Tango. So, we are either here to raise some hell...or to learn how to play nice and get along with others. :D


Diorbhail said:
Interestingly both my son and daughter also have the Lovers as P and S cards. Has anyone else noticed close friends or family with the same cards?
I've noticed a lot of interesting synchronicities among family members.

My mother and my ex's father had the same P & S cards; and my father and his mother had the same cards - so, even though our families were very different we had similarities in parent-child relations. Also, my ex was a 6-6 and 6 was the number that came up least among in all my numerological calculations. It was like he was filling a gap in my nature and teaching me what it that experience was all about.

I find the interactions among P/S types to be fascinating. A friend lived in a shared household with three 5s (Hierophants). When I asked what it was like she laughed and said that they each knew how the kitchen SHOULD be organized (there couldn't be any other correct way to do it!) and, of course, none of them were in agreement, but they each knew that they were right!



starrystarrynight said:
Mine, too, Tango. So, we are either here to raise some hell...or to learn how to play nice and get along with others. :D

I've always seen the Heirophant as being more of a spiritual guide who uses established structure to bring a higher message down and make it accessible to people.

Of course if such a person achieves a position of prominence, the temptation to abuse that power would be great and he could indeed do a great deal of damage.

What does the Heirophant mean to you guys?


Tango said:
I've always seen the Heirophant as being more of a spiritual guide who uses established structure to bring a higher message down and make it accessible to people.

Of course if such a person achieves a position of prominence, the temptation to abuse that power would be great and he could indeed do a great deal of damage.
True. I can see that. But, also, the number is 5, and fives have a tendency to shake things up, affect change (sometimes in a rebellious or unwelcome way), and, in effect, upset the apple cart.

All the while, though, I think there is a learning element with fives (you're leaving the staid, closed-in, and relatively calm realm of a four), so, an intellectual change of viewpoint is indicated, maybe, more than, say, taking over the administration building and performing a sit-in. [Okay, that ages me...I was a radical child of the sixties. Guilty as charged! LOL]

So, I think we may be here to learn spiritually and shake our own worlds up in the process.