Wisdom of the Oracle readings for feedback


Hello there. Please could you ask about my situation with H? We have fallen out, it was mainly my fault. I now feel quite awful about it. He's saying it's okay and it's me that has said we need a break, but now I'm regretting it. It's complicated. I'm just wondering how he's feeling about the whole thing and any advise for me please.


Hi there!
I pulled two cards for you!

By the Book: This is a message of abiding by social rules and rules of the universe. Laws keep social order and govern behavior. The advice for you is to learn these laws. Whether it is the power of prayer, gratitude, or the Law of attraction, your guides are telling you two practice these rules. You may know which ones you need to currently work on.

Here and Now: Everything happens in the now, in the present. Perhaps you sometimes forget to focus on what is now happening in your life. You have what it takes to handle anything if you let go of the need to reflect on the past. The advice is to focus on the present and not worry about the future. The future is never set in stone, so you can always change your outcome. :)
I hope this made sense!

Thank you, this is absolutely spot on!

By the Book - Yes, I imagine this is a message for me to be more in tune with the laws of attraction, and also being more spiritual. This is something I have recently tried to make a priority in my life, praying more and practicing gratitude.

Here and Now - This is so true for me! I have a very very hard time not thinking of and planning for the future. I do forget to stop and appreciate the here and now. I'm trying to be more mindful of this and even practice meditation to be more in tune with the world and the present.

Thanks again, this was great!


Hello there. Please could you ask about my situation with H? We have fallen out, it was mainly my fault. I now feel quite awful about it. He's saying it's okay and it's me that has said we need a break, but now I'm regretting it. It's complicated. I'm just wondering how he's feeling about the whole thing and any advise for me please.

Hi there!
I pulled Go the Distance for how H is feeling. I feel that H right now is trying to find the strength on his own to get through this falling out. There is a lot of disappointment that H is feeling. I think H is "running away mentally" from the situation. But H is staying strong about the whole situation.

I pulled Never Ending Story for advice. This card is telling you to not blame yourself for what happened. Blaming yourself isn't going to heal the situation. You need to work on self love for the time being. You need to focus on yourself for now and not worry about H. When you focus on self love that's when miracles and healing can take place. Forgive yourself. :)

I hope this helped! The cards really spelled it out today.


hey L hope you ok

I m feeling a bit deflated today about my romantic situation

I'm just wondering if you could maybe ask the cards what I have to look forward too on my romantic path

Hi there! Sorry to hear about your situation.

The card BLESSED FELL out for you. The message is that something unexpected is coming your way. Divine intervention plays a role in your love life. This card is telling you one of two things here. Someone unexpectedly may show up in your life in the right timing. Or an existing relationship may out of the blue start to deepen. Sometimes we have to wait patiently for the right person to come or for a relationship to change. You definitely will see some changes in your love life soon. Don't give up or feel discouraged!
I hope this helped!


hi there :Heart:
could i please ask what is in store for me and T in love till the month ends?


Hi Libertya

Thanks for offering to read :)
May I please request a message from the Universe in regards to a project that is currently stalled.
Will I find right people to work with on it and some progress be made within next 30 days?



Hi there! Sorry to hear about your situation.

The card BLESSED FELL out for you. The message is that something unexpected is coming your way. Divine intervention plays a role in your love life. This card is telling you one of two things here. Someone unexpectedly may show up in your life in the right timing. Or an existing relationship may out of the blue start to deepen. Sometimes we have to wait patiently for the right person to come or for a relationship to change. You definitely will see some changes in your love life soon. Don't give up or feel discouraged!
I hope this helped!

Wow Thankyou so much for this it sounds really good and has totally just lifted my spirit I will keep you posted on this one

You are blessed!!


Hi there!
I pulled Go the Distance for how H is feeling. I feel that H right now is trying to find the strength on his own to get through this falling out. There is a lot of disappointment that H is feeling. I think H is "running away mentally" from the situation. But H is staying strong about the whole situation.

I pulled Never Ending Story for advice. This card is telling you to not blame yourself for what happened. Blaming yourself isn't going to heal the situation. You need to work on self love for the time being. You need to focus on yourself for now and not worry about H. When you focus on self love that's when miracles and healing can take place. Forgive yourself. :)

I hope this helped! The cards really spelled it out today.

Wow! It really does. I think that is exactly what he's doing. He's got a lot of other stuff on his plate at the moment too, so he needs space and probably a break from our stuff. I sense that.

I'm really working hard on your advice for me too. That's what I need to do and I am trying to focus on that.

Excellent reading - thank you.

Please can I ask how we will be in the future? Say over the next month? I'm moving abroad for 3 months in a few weeks you see, and I really hope we will make proper amends before then. We met where I'm going back to ac its a really special place for both of us, so it would be lovely if we do.


Sorry for the delay in responding. I was going to post straight after reading this but the dishwasher started screaming at me that it was blocked and needed attention! Gah stupid machines.

Hi there! I pulled three cards for you....

The message is that we are meant to have connections with other people. It's important to recognize the importance of being part of something rather than being separate. Have you been having trouble fitting in somewhere? Or just wanting to feel the need to belong? If yes, this message is telling you that you need to address your feeling of belonging and know that you will eventually find your place.

Yes. You would be correct here. I have been struggling to find a job since November. I thought I could work from home but I don't know if I would have enough clients to keep it going. There is a definite feeling of not knowing my place. I'm good at what I do but I still doubt my abilities.

The message is know that you have an ability to read between the lines and find all the truth that was missing when the story was told. Trust your vibes and intuition. Spirit may be sending you messages, so it is important to always trust your iintuition.

I have been doing a lot of work on this lately, I certainly have plenty of time for it lol! I still doubt myself though. It may sound weird but for a long time I have found it easier to trust others especially when I feel they know more than I do. I have more difficulty trusting myself, so working on my intuition has been a huge challenge! I've actually found that doing readings on the forum has helped me realise that I can do this and I am getting better :)

The message is that everything happens in the now, in the present. You have what it takes to handle anything today if you let go of the need to look into the future or reflect on the past. Perhaps you have been focusing on the past and not on the here and now. Spirit wants you to know that this moment has the potential to create miracles in your life.

Lol I actually pulled a card similar to this from my new deck the other day! I have a bad habit of sometimes getting lost in the past. I'll have to remember to stay in the present more!

Thank you for your lovely reading! :love:

I hope you enjoyed your reading!
My question is: what do I need to know about my love life right now?

I'm going to use both my FO and my new Messenger cards for this and we'll send what we get.

The Faeries want to go first. Lol they wanted to be pull second but now they're saying I should read them before the Messenger! Here we go...

Jumper - Gawatcha
Gawatcha is all about sudden shock and unexpected events. While these happenings may upset the tea cart to start off with you may be pleasantly surprised by the end results. Just don't try and put things back exactly as they were. There is an old Japanese art of fixing broken crockery using gold to fill the cracks (kintsugi) that comes to mind here. It is a celebration of the beauty in broken things. I don't know if you've ever seen it but it really is beautiful.

Base - The Guardian at the Gate Rx
The Gate it currently closed to you but I strongly feel you have the ability to change/unlock it. Look at the next two cards and I think they will provide a skeleton key of sorts for you. You CAN open this gate, you may just need to attend to a few things first in order to do so.

Messenger - The Creative Force
Collaboration with friends with birth new opportunities. Huh. I'm not getting much else from this card. I feel you need to connect with friends in order to bring these new opportunities about.

I thought that was enough cards but Gawatcha gave me a stern look and insisted I shuffle again, before I was allowed to read, as there was one more that needed to speak. Now she's having a good giggle at me from behind her hands lol

Extra (jumper) - The Friends Rx
Be careful of spats and misunderstandings. Plant seeds for new friendships and cultivate old ones. Open your heart to both and you will be rewarded.

Lol now I know what that giggle was all about, she wouldn't even let me read the cards in the order that I placed them. It had to be Gawatcha, the Friends, the Creative Force, then Guardian at the Gate. I don't know if that helps you to understand better but I just thought I would put that out there :)

I hope this makes sense for you!

:love: Fee


hi there :Heart:
could i please ask what is in store for me and T in love till the month ends?

Hi there!
I pulled a Leg Up.
This card is telling you that before the month ends you need to speak up to T. Others cannot read your mind and you need to be vocal here. You need to express your wishes and desires to T. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. I feel you have been afraid to express certain things to T. You may also ask T for help with something or you two may help each other out with something. This is what you need to do with T before the month ends. It is definitely coming. :)