Yes or No?


Here is what I do for yes or no questions...

Edited to a different method:

I found this Yes/ NO Questions Spread:
(Originally Posted by AT member Agathe)

--> 1..2..3 – yes (ALL three cards are UPRIGHT)
--> 1..2..3rx - yes but...(2 cards are UPRIGHT + 1 card is REV.)
--> 1..2rx..3rx - no but...( 1 card UPRIGHT + 2 cards are REV.)
--> 1rx...2rx...3rx – no (ALL three cards are REV.)


Wands & Cups = YES

Swords & Pentacles = NO

Odd Majors = YES

Even Majors = NO

This works well for me... and then once I have my YES or NO answer, I go
on to read these SAME cards in the SAME positions and do a three card

card 1 as the Past
card 2 as the Present
card 3 as the future

:heart: tarotlyn


You've all given me such good ideas, thanks! I guess I don't feel quite as badly that many of you seem to also find the King/Knight combo iffy. Frankly, I've not had courts come up in both yes/no positions before, but this was a real doozy.

I'll try the different styles and see what gives. :D




thank you so much for a fantastic spread!:) I immediately tried it out - I have this huge pending issue in Supreme court and I asked if the court will rule in my favour - and the Wheel was in the first position!:D

I was shocked - I hope the spread is telling the truth!:)

Thank you again for a great spread!:)

Hooked on TdM


I also tried out your Wheel spread. It works pretty darn good! It's nice and simple for us beginners. I even shared it with a friend here. Thanks so much for sharing that.



Thanks, guys, but the credit goes to a 1955 Fate Magazine article that Mary Greer dug up.

Mary modified some of the meanings for tarot, and I modified the layout and adapted it to an oracle deck, since the layout given in Fate would seem to require a couple extra dimensions for the cards to exist in - you couldn't do it in anything resembling a square the way it was written.

I've been having some uncannily good results with it, too, though, with my Eltynne deck, and am doing a Yes-No Experiment on my blog with it. But it certainly will work for tarot, too.

Glad you're enjoying it. If it does work, I think it does so precisely because the meanings are determined ahead of time - and if you get the 'no' or 'delay' answer, you can read the spread to see what obstacles you're likely to hit.

Besides - it's just plain fun to play with :D



The yes/no spread you posted is really interesting!! Gives a lot more information than just using aces. I tried it out just now, and got the wheel in the first position, as card #5. But I notice that you've got the cards in pairs here, and I have a question about that. Does the card accompanying the wheel in the first position (as there are 2 cards in the first position, cards 1 & 5) affect the situation, or act as advice for how to proceed?

I'm just interested because I got the 8 of pentacles sitting next to the wheel, and I have this feeling that it's telling me a lot more work will be involved or may be dependent on work conditions, in order to occur. I suppose as usual I should follow my intuition, but as I've never used this spread before, I'd appreciate your opinion. Thank you!


From what I've seen and how I work with the spread - Yes is YES. Full stop.

Soon is SOON - and you needn't/shouldn't mess around with it, just wait for it to happen, though it won't be as quick as a YES.

The DELAY and NO positions are where you get into interpretation, and what the obstacles are, and whether they can be overcome, and how.

But even with a YES or a SOON, you can get into interpretive detail, if you want to - I did that with my own spread over at the blog, though the readings for other folks were just quickies with the mention of possible obstacles if the reading wasn't positive. But my YES happened four days after I asked, all the same - the other cards just gave me some background information, most of which I already knew.

So it can give you more info - but it won't affect the answer. Yes will stay Yes, etc.

There is no rule on earth, however, that says you can't interpret it differently if you want to. I reworked it so that I could use it with my Eltynne deck instead of the tarot - and it still works. So have fun with it.

But I do believe that you need to set the interpretive rules firmly before you throw the spread. At least that's worked well for me - and not with just this spread, either.



I took a look at your blog (bookmarked!), and would have liked to participate in the experiment... except I already phrased my question as to whether it would happen "in the next few months." Getting a YES for this gives me hope, though I do not expect it to happen right away anyway, as other spreads I have done seeking information show potential and growth in the situation, but slowly. The reason I asked about how the other card in the YES position could influence the wheel is that I already know "work" (8 pentacles) as a factor in this situation....

Hmm... I see about the interpretive rules. What you're saying makes a lot of sense! Besides, as long as I don't have to interpret those other cards, that makes my life easier, hehe. While I was doing the spread, I was following your directions to the letter, so I think the cards followed along as well. If the spread does end up coming true and the event really happens, I'll leave a comment at your blog!


LOL, thanks! You know you're allowed to leave comments if it doesn't work too, don't you? That's one of the reasons for running the experiment! :D



I'll certainly leave a reply either way. This will be a long process, so I assume the situation will be in flux....

Today I gained some disturbing new information on the situation, which lead me to conclusively believe that my first draw could not come true as a "yes". But upon asking an additional question that would reflect maintenance of the current status quo, it answered "No" (the card next to it was Justice). Then reworded my original question and got the same exact response: Wheel in the "Yes" position and 8 of pentacles sitting next to it. It seem significant to me that the cards gave me the same card accompanying the wheel, as I drew from the deck exactly as you described. I've got my fingers crossed that this works out in my favor anyway!!