Zodiac sign attributes of world?


What are the zodiac sign attributes of world some say scorpion and some dont feel its that. What is it really can somebody help?


The astrological correspondence of The World is Saturn.
The astrological correspondence of Death is Scorpio.


The World has a double attribution actually, it is also attributed to the element of Earth as well as Saturn. Maybe in other systems than the Golden Dawn the attribution is Scorpio, although I can't see it myself. Can you tell us your source?


What are the zodiac sign attributes of world some say scorpion and some dont feel its that. What is it really can somebody help?
I suppose it depends on what system one uses, but I go with agent199, Scorpio=Death and Saturn=World, which are by far the most common attributions.


The truth is a friend of mine said world = scorpio and i though world = saturn

So i would tilt to the ones who have given the opninion of its being saturn but does saturn have any zodiac can-notion?

So saturn influences what could some one guid me?


Hi Closrapexa.

The whole astrology and tarot thing is actually quite new to me.
I have only recently started to dabble with it, and find that it is quite fascinating.

The reference I used was "Who Are You In The Tarot" by Mary K. Greer.


Since world is saturn and Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Could one say that World is for Capricorn and Aquarius.


We could also say The World is for The Devil and The Fool is for The Star :)


I'm working on it lol. I edited the above post.

Pretty interesting depending on how you want to look at it :)