Cats/kittens and tarot care


Good day and happy Easter to my fellow AT'ers around the world.

As a tarot collector and new kitten/cat owner, I am seeking tarot care tips. I can see why decks from non-smoking homes are considered well cared for, but as long as I keep young Chai from playing with cards and boxes, I don't see how their mutual existence should be harmful.

I will admit that my tarot armoire does share a room with the dreaded litter box, but as the cards are inside the armoire and the box is kept cleaned, I don't expect there to be any long term consequences. Maybe I'm wrong?

If anyone has any tips, for happy co-existence between new kitty and burgeoning collection, I am happy to hear them!



There's no problem at all - except when you have a glass of something while reading and the cats decide to join in and slide around on your spread, and that and the wine go flying, and.....!

The only REAL issue (seriously) is if you ever sell decks on - do warn that they come from a home with cats, as some people are THAT allergic. I had cats at all times till a few years back, and never had a problem, except that the last one did like to SIT on my spreads. It was an attention seeking thing. He just knew he was far more important than whatever else I might be doing. Dogs are more likely to do the chewing thing....


Good day and happy Easter to my fellow AT'ers around the world.

As a tarot collector and new kitten/cat owner, I am seeking tarot care tips. I can see why decks from non-smoking homes are considered well cared for, but as long as I keep young Chai from playing with cards and boxes, I don't see how their mutual existence should be harmful.

I will admit that my tarot armoire does share a room with the dreaded litter box, but as the cards are inside the armoire and the box is kept cleaned, I don't expect there to be any long term consequences. Maybe I'm wrong?

If anyone has any tips, for happy co-existence between new kitty and burgeoning collection, I am happy to hear them!


Just keep them apart ^_~
Due to kittens' playful nature your cards may not survive the meeting. Also I would suggest to be sure the armoire is always closed and the kitten didn't sneak in. And of coutse to wash your hands before you touch the cards.


You mean you wouldn't let your cat SIT on your reading ? I always felt it added a small something :D


I actively discourage mine to be around my cards, but you know how that works. You blink, and next thing you know they're sitting on your cards and looking at you like saying, "See? Anything looks better with ME on top."

Oh, and my Ayesha did scratch to death two or three cards of my Greenwood. Good thing it was made in Office Depot... :D


I wouldn't leave cards lying around, personally. I had a photo stand that I'd use to display my card of the day and it was too tempting for my cat to chew on one of them. Luckily I've had a backup but still I learned my lesson.


I imagine that it depends on the temperament of your cat. My cat is a scardy-cat; he won't go near my decks simply because they are near me.


There is a litter box in a room where I have a small cabinet/armoire that holds many decks now. This is AFTER having to clean every surface incl the walls! of litter dust.

I only buy dust-free litter now. Better for my cats lungs, cleaner house and (most importantly lol!) I can more safely store my decks in that room as dust has a way of finding every tiny crack any breach omg. Some brands work better than others tho

(So far, kitties behaviors are only focused on drawing my attention away fm anything else I may be doing, but not destructive.........yet) :)


The only REAL issue (seriously) is if you ever sell decks on - do warn that they come from a home with cats, as some people are THAT allergic. I had cats at all times till a few years back, and never had a problem, except that the last one did like to SIT on my spreads. It was an attention seeking thing. He just knew he was far more important than whatever else I might be doing. Dogs are more likely to do the chewing thing....

Ahhh, hadn't stopped to consider allergies, but duh....

I only buy dust-free litter now. Better for my cats lungs, cleaner house and (most importantly lol!) I can more safely store my decks in that room as dust has a way of finding every tiny crack any breach omg. Some brands work better than others tho

Definitely a good tip there, I haven't found a litter yet that works for me on all levels, may as well try dust free varieties. I'd like to go eco, but that's probably another topic for another message board.

Our kitty is definitely a people cat, wherever we go, there he is... When I am engaged with the cards, he likes to jump onto the chair and from there onto the table where he is gently removed as mother (me) sighs.... Naturally, in addition to there being a human present, the movement of shuffling attracts him. My son said he caught him hanging out on the table when he got home from school one day, so the days of spreads being left out for contemplation after morning draws may be coming to an end. I'll just have to hide them and take back out, not like I'm looking at them from work anyhow.

Thanks all!


We had eco litter - it was made from grass clippings, smelt faintly like new hay, and was compostable. And dust free. There was a woodchip one we had for a while, but it seems to hurt their paws for some reason - and it did fragment a lot.

I always used to wonder how I could turn my OWN grass clippings into litter - but never found a way. Such a waste !