Could Judgement signify forgiveness?


It depends on whether forgiveness is required in order to let go of what you've been hanging onto. Let us imagine that someone did something horrible to you and you've been carrying around your feelings about that for a long time. You resent them, hate them, etc. Judgement says, that it's time to make the final judgement call on what happened and move on. This, for you, may not be possible until and unless you forgive them for what they did.

Let's take another senario: something horrible happens to you by chance or ill-luck--like you hear that a good friend died in a flood. You think on this friend a lot, you miss them and it hurts. Judgement turns up and tells you that it's time to come to grips with the loss and move on. This does not require forgivness--or even forgetting--but rather putting an end to your mourning and grief.

This is why so many of the responses to your question are saying that forgiveness isn't a "primary" quality of the card. The Primary Message of the card is to let go in whatever way is best. If forgiving is the only way to let go, then forgive. If not, then don't. The card signifies forgiveness *only* if that is what is required in order for the querent to get past this thing/come to terms with it and finally move on.


That makes sense to me now. All of the responses gave me something to think about, that's why I love this forum.
Thanks all



Skysteel said:
The querent feels this has been a time of testing, and it's coming to a head - the past will be laid to rest, one way or another, through forgiveness or forgetfulness.

How does "Judgement" represent what the other person brings into a relationship?

I am not trying to put what was said here down. I agree with this representation. It reminded me of a reading I have recently done. The other person in the relationship, was bringing something (Judgement Card) into the relationship. It threw me for a loop once I saw it. I had forgotten it until I saw this post. Any suggestions?


StellarMyst said:
The other person in the relationship, was bringing something (Judgement Card) into the relationship. It threw me for a loop once I saw it. I had forgotten it until I saw this post. Any suggestions?
The Judgement Card often has to do with healing--very powerful healing. It's a card that can turn up to show that someone is going to be recovering from an injury or illness that landed them in the hospital.

In regards to this and what it refers to about that "final judgement" where you resolve something and move on, it could mean that the other person is going to bring healing, resolution, a way for you to move on when you felt you haven't be able to before.

If, for example, you had been in a relationship, had a devastating break-up, and hadn't been able to date since then, then this card, in answer to "What does the other person bring to the relationship?" would signify that the other person is going to help you finally get past that impediment. They're going to heal and help you put that devastating experience behind you, and get you to trust and participate in relationships again.

Does that help?


Could it mean getting back together if that were the question and that card was the outcome then? Ressurection of the relationship?


nancyk said:
Could it mean getting back together if that were the question and that card was the outcome then? Ressurection of the relationship?

Yes, but it will feel like a new relationship.


I think that would be a really good thing, especially if there were a new understanding.


nancyk said:
I was wondering if the Judgement card could signify forgiveness?

IMHO, if it comes up in a reading and you have a feeling that is what it means there to you, then that is what it means in that reading. Anything is possible if that is what you feel it means there.



Bronwyn1 said:
I was wondering if the Judgement card could signify forgiveness?


That's one of the best uses of that energy.


Bronwyn1 said:
I was wondering if the Judgement card could signify forgiveness?
To me, it's that moment where you are looking for forgiveness, but where you find honest and ruthless - well - judgement. It is the moment where you have to be able to meet your own gaze honestly, and know when you have done the right thing, even right things you've been modest about (modesty gets ripped away here!), and when you've done the wrong thing, and how wrong, and how much harm it caused. This is a time of meeting the consequences of ALL your acts, positive and negative. An those consequences aren't external - the Angel isn't really going to slam the coffin lid down on your head if you did more wrong things than right things. That Angel and those coffin lids are deep within your own heart. THAT is where the Judgement card takes place, and that is how it works. You have a Judgement experience, every time you have a sleepless night, sweating with anxiety thinking about the harm you did someone that you won't be able to put right until morning - or ever.