Don't want to work by donation?


Grizabella said:
For people who think charging a set price per reading (and a pretty penny at that) who probably secretly scoff at myself and others who prefer to work by donation, I just thought I'd refer them to this article about a restaurant owner who has done that. Yep, that's what I said---restaurant owner!

I have a beautiful Karma Jar given to me as a gift by canid and I intend to start using it during the coming summer. :D

Scoff.... not me Grizabella I began my Tarot journey with a karma jar :D. I usually did quite well. I alaways felt it was a great place to start & to learn.



I think it all depends on your clients.

I also have an assistant when I do big events to make sure payment is made before they sit before me. She also keeps the line going and chats with the clients while they wait.

I have found it easiest to set a price. That's probably my most asked question I get once people find out I read. "Oh? What do you charge?" Then we agree on a price, if I charge any at all. Friends are almost always free, except for my charity nights. Where they usually donate and not get a reading, knowing they can get one anytime yet they want to help support the cause. So, in that specific place I wouldn't mind a tip jar. In fact, it might get my friends to pop in a few bucks on the nights I don't read for charity. I may just have to do that. :D


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the BIG problem with doing anything for donations over the Internet is that because of the anonymity, people feel that they aren't really doing anything wrong if they refuse to pay. If they have to look you in the eye and tell you they aren't giving you anything... that's harder, and I'm sure face-to-face for donation readings do better.


Sheri said:
I also don't want to deal with any "fundies" or others that would take the opportunity to harass without spending any money--you want to spend the next 15 minutes lecturing me, fine, but you are going to fork over $20 to do it.

You almost made a good point there, Sheri. :p But no fundie I know would bother to sit down at the table and pay for a session. They'd just stand there babbling on, determined to save my soul. In fact, none of them would be caught dead sitting down or paying for a session. Devil germs might get all over them if they did. :p


FatesLady said:
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the BIG problem with doing anything for donations over the Internet is that because of the anonymity, people feel that they aren't really doing anything wrong if they refuse to pay. If they have to look you in the eye and tell you they aren't giving you anything... that's harder, and I'm sure face-to-face for donation readings do better.

You make a good point. It's on reason I don't do online readings. Some feel that everything over the net is FREE by right.

From my experience face-to-face donations work best.



Grizabella said:
You almost made a good point there, Sheri. :p But no fundie I know would bother to sit down at the table and pay for a session. They'd just stand there babbling on, determined to save my soul. In fact, none of them would be caught dead sitting down or paying for a session. Devil germs might get all over them if they did. :p

For babbling "fundies" it's double my usual rates.... but I will provide a droolers bib for 'em :D



You must not know the type of Fundamentalist that I know Griz. I have had them (some of them from the Baptist church I used to attend) sit down and proceed to read from the Bible and tell me what's wrong with my life. I let them rant for about 2-3 minutes then I hold up my hand and start to shuffle then lay out one card and proceed to give them a reading. They shut up and either get up and leave quickly lest I decide to curse them, or and this is the fun thing, they sit and listen and find themselves starting to question: "Oh really? Well, what does that mean?"

I figure I am giving them an exchange reading, their bibliomancy for my tarot reading. Kind of fun!! :p

I have also had them screaming I'm going to rot in hell too. lol


I had a few very odd, part introspective and part emotionally dense days computing my experiences and this subject. Sudden epiphany this morning about my relationship to money. It was dishonest of me, I think now, to read for donations, when I really want and desperately need money. I also feel somewhat betrayed by my local government that requires a steep (for me) fee for a license to do such things for set fees. I'm at a roadblock with this. There wasn't that much business even for donation/FREE readings, so I'm not willing to risk the license fee. I figure I'd probably be as well off spending that money on lotto tickets, quite frankly. And of course it's basically a case of the local gov making honest readers pay for the fraudulent behavior of a few.

Anyway, this has gotten me to examine my relationship to money, and I think that's a good thing in the long run.
Nevada said:
But I think the real problem doing it online was the anonymity of the Internet. I have trouble believing someone would sit down at a reader's table, get a reading, and not pay anything. Does that happen? How often?
FatesLady said:
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the BIG problem with doing anything for donations over the Internet is that because of the anonymity, people feel that they aren't really doing anything wrong if they refuse to pay. If they have to look you in the eye and tell you they aren't giving you anything... that's harder, and I'm sure face-to-face for donation readings do better.
I've been writing invisible posts again. })


Grizabella said:
You almost made a good point there, Sheri. :p But no fundie I know would bother to sit down at the table and pay for a session. They'd just stand there babbling on, determined to save my soul. In fact, none of them would be caught dead sitting down or paying for a session. Devil germs might get all over them if they did. :p

All my points are good ones :D

There are plenty of them here, as well as other a$$holes that take the opportunity to harass for free. Their purpose isn't to get a reading... Their purpose is to try to "save" me and/or discourage me from giving readings.

It might not happen where you are, but it does happen, and has happened to me.

:love: Sheri


Grizabella said:
:p But no fundie I know would bother to sit down at the table and pay for a session. :p

I think that is exactly the point that Sheri is making. :D