Dream team divination 2013-003 jun-jul



All I dreamt of was being inside one of those tent things in the middle of a desert amongst men all in robes and we were in a disagreement. I was one of them, so not female.

Kind of like a Lawrence of Arabia or Sinbad feel.

Whatever we weren't agreeing about involved money and assets, so although it wasn't the most comfortable environments to be in (and it wasn't) I suppose we were Shieks.

Nothing about this was modern, so I am hoping it is not a reference to going back to "basics" in the future.

MY THOUGHTS: Most of the day this dream bothered me. It doesn't really appeal to me to be something like that or to go back to a very hard way of living as that it what it seemed like with what we were wearing and being in a tent with not much to offer in the way of an Oasis.
However, this "meeting" amongst us was very important and did involve a lot more than just wealth. Thing is I knew none of us were poor, struggling or at an unfair socio economic disposition/standpoint.

Anyways, I am wondering if one of my future lives is going back to scratch and basics as a man from an Arabic family, and it doesn't matter what socio economic group I come from.

The human experience maybe to "compromise" or to be "an equal" where it matters.

Will think on it more.... :)

Starri Knytes


I had two dreams for you..
I will add that I was ill when I had these dreams. This is significant because my abilities increase dramatically when I have a fever.

First Dream

I was much older, looked like "Granny" on the old tv show Beverly Hillbillies.. if unfamiliar google her she's a crackup. added links below I was dressed like her very old fashioned by today's standards.. Everything was gray, drab.. there was no real feeling of lack/suffering, it's just the way the world was at this point. I lived alone in a small amount, in a heavily wooded area. The trees near my cabin were a variety with thick trunks and were tall possibly pine. I felt like the forest as dense but not so to inhibit maneuverability. I was alone, but not lonely.

Then a man comes into the scene, a much younger man. A very attractive, younger man at that. He begins spending time with me, we explore the woods, climb the near rock formations. At one point we happen upon a big brown bear. We were very near it, I felt like I should have been afraid, but my companion urged me in the direction of some rocks. We climbed and the bear followed for awhile then lost interest I guess.

Then the scene changes. He has taken me to the area in which he lives. The scenery has now changed, the forest is thick with tall spindly trees that are very close together. There was a town, it was coastal maybe, for the town reminded me of very early images of San Francisco. Pre shipping port days, when it was just a settlement on the edge of the ocean. I recall not liking this area, but was reluctant to disappoint this man with whom I now appeared to be coupled with.

My "friend" had two older brothers, they were distinguished businessmen the three. Though my friend had little involvement in the actual business, he spent his time with me exploring. Then one day there was an uproar in town. It appears as though the older two brothers developed a method of clearing the land that involved a huge maniacal saw that cut everything to a foot high stump (30cm) over huge areas. This saw was in-discriminant taking out homes and people if in the way. It appeared that no surveys were done to verify who or what was on the land, it was just cleared. I recall a home leveled to a foot (30cm) off the ground , a woman on the ground in a heap cradling a small child in her arms. Near by, her home and her husband, now lost.

Dream Two

I was flying into a near by hub. The airport is near a butte that is in reality 1,496 ft (456 m) high but in the dream it took three harrowing flights to get over. The first landed fine on one side near the top. We then exited the plane via steps onto the tarmac as it were. An open air vehicle came by and stopped, some people got on, no announcement of any kind was made so I continued to wait as it departed. It turned out that I should have been on that vehicle. I caught the next one that was more like a luggage cart to the next plane.

This plane took us over the peak, though a crevasse, and then had to twist to about a 30 degree angle to miss a boulder, landing one wheel before the other on a very short landing strip. eeek Even the pilot was sweating nervously, stating he was always amazed that he actually made it upon landing. Again an open air vehicle arrived, I didn't miss it this time. :wink: Then to the last flight, This one got us into the actual airport.

Again the airport wasn't anything like what it is now in real life, but it did have an indoor waiting area. Once inside I met up with my best friend and her two older sisters. Both sisters are loud, the oldest being the kind who gives the feeling of warmth and caring. It felt like I relayed a story to them telepathically. It was perhaps more of a shared memory that I was reminding my friend of and sharing with her sisters as well. The memory was of me at 14 or 15 yrs of age and an older carnival worker.

My friends sisters departed separately, the oldest after warm hugs, as did my friend, who's husband and son were now in the scene.

feeling rather poorly again so off to bed I go *waves*


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Starri Knytes

Anyways, I am wondering if one of my future lives is going back to scratch and basics as a man from an Arabic family, and it doesn't matter what socio economic group I come from.

The human experience maybe to "compromise" or to be "an equal" where it matters.

Will think on it more.... :)

If taken in a biblical sense, The Garden of Eden believed to have been in the middle east,
basic man/mans beginning .. that works.


I know who is Granny from the Hillbillies.....they struck oil. :) Like the sitcom too.....

Seems to be in all dreams, except one: Women vs Men theme.

Arabia...Biblical times? Food for thought although it didn't feel like that, except maybe for what we wore and where we were only maybe it was ideal for the desert under the circumstances, strange thing is we all spoke English.

Older woman and younger good looking man in the woods. :thumbsup: As for the brothers not being on the up and up who doesn't experience from time to time being ripped off or buying into something that might not be the best investment. Could be loaning a friend that doesn't pay back the money, stock that loses out in the market, a colleague that is doing things on the sly. Wonder if that is what I am meant to experience....the shoe on the other foot thing.

Cant be what I am meant to experience (doesn't go down too well) unless being with a younger man is it. :D :party: And why not if men do it in this life....now women too a bit.

As for your plane dreams, I was starting to think plane crash, only I think I have already been down that track. Interesting dream with planes though.

I already share a close relationship with my sisters (few moments of discord) and I actually have a lot of brothers and sisters.

The telepathy part is intriguing and being part of a carnival. Really really cool.....:)

One dream looks like it goes back to an old primitive like time or at least to basics with underhanded things going on whereas the other is more "nowish" with planes and bonded people on a seemingly equal wavelength. Contradictory in some ways.

If I am born again in 100 years time, give or take, would planes not have evolved in some way or been wiped out depending on what happens in that time. And one has to ask...will there really be an earth as we know it still here.


I had two dreams for you..
I will add that I was ill when I had these dreams. This is significant because my abilities increase dramatically when I have a fever.

First Dream

I was much older, looked like "Granny" on the old tv show Beverly Hillbillies.. if unfamiliar google her she's a crackup. added links below I was dressed like her very old fashioned by today's standards.. Everything was gray, drab.. there was no real feeling of lack/suffering, it's just the way the world was at this point. I lived alone in a small amount, in a heavily wooded area. The trees near my cabin were a variety with thick trunks and were tall possibly pine. I felt like the forest as dense but not so to inhibit maneuverability. I was alone, but not lonely.

Then a man comes into the scene, a much younger man. A very attractive, younger man at that. He begins spending time with me, we explore the woods, climb the near rock formations. At one point we happen upon a big brown bear. We were very near it, I felt like I should have been afraid, but my companion urged me in the direction of some rocks. We climbed and the bear followed for awhile then lost interest I guess.

Then the scene changes. He has taken me to the area in which he lives. The scenery has now changed, the forest is thick with tall spindly trees that are very close together. There was a town, it was coastal maybe, for the town reminded me of very early images of San Francisco. Pre shipping port days, when it was just a settlement on the edge of the ocean. I recall not liking this area, but was reluctant to disappoint this man with whom I now appeared to be coupled with.

My "friend" had two older brothers, they were distinguished businessmen the three. Though my friend had little involvement in the actual business, he spent his time with me exploring. Then one day there was an uproar in town. It appears as though the older two brothers developed a method of clearing the land that involved a huge maniacal saw that cut everything to a foot high stump (30cm) over huge areas. This saw was in-discriminant taking out homes and people if in the way. It appeared that no surveys were done to verify who or what was on the land, it was just cleared. I recall a home leveled to a foot (30cm) off the ground , a woman on the ground in a heap cradling a small child in her arms. Near by, her home and her husband, now lost.

Dream Two

I was flying into a near by hub. The airport is near a butte that is in reality 1,496 ft (456 m) high but in the dream it took three harrowing flights to get over. The first landed fine on one side near the top. We then exited the plane via steps onto the tarmac as it were. An open air vehicle came by and stopped, some people got on, no announcement of any kind was made so I continued to wait as it departed. It turned out that I should have been on that vehicle. I caught the next one that was more like a luggage cart to the next plane.

This plane took us over the peak, though a crevasse, and then had to twist to about a 30 degree angle to miss a boulder, landing one wheel before the other on a very short landing strip. eeek Even the pilot was sweating nervously, stating he was always amazed that he actually made it upon landing. Again an open air vehicle arrived, I didn't miss it this time. :wink: Then to the last flight, This one got us into the actual airport.

Again the airport wasn't anything like what it is now in real life, but it did have an indoor waiting area. Once inside I met up with my best friend and her two older sisters. Both sisters are loud, the oldest being the kind who gives the feeling of warmth and caring. It felt like I relayed a story to them telepathically. It was perhaps more of a shared memory that I was reminding my friend of and sharing with her sisters as well. The memory was of me at 14 or 15 yrs of age and an older carnival worker.

My friends sisters departed separately, the oldest after warm hugs, as did my friend, who's husband and son were now in the scene.

feeling rather poorly again so off to bed I go *waves*

Starri Knytes

I know who is Granny from the Hillbillies.....they struck oil. :) Like the sitcom too.....

Seems to be in all dreams, except one: Women vs Men theme.

Arabia...Biblical times? Food for thought although it didn't feel like that, except maybe for what we wore and where we were only maybe it was ideal for the desert under the circumstances, strange thing is we all spoke English.

Would you have understood what they were talking about in an Arabic dielect?
Our dreams use what is familiar so using a language that I not understood, unless one was meant not to understand would not make sense. lol
Biblical was just a frame of reference.. can you not invison us tearing our world apart, of clusters of people beginning new civilizations/cities from scratch as more advanced beings..I feel that this is where the primativeness (ha if I may invent a word) comes from. I see it as well in the
dream of CN's Shieks coming to an agreement could be the same as the brothers in my dream. Two moving ahead without the full knowledge or consent of the third. It is also the reason I believe for my disjointed journey.
I haven't honestly gone over my dreams yet, perhaps I will be able to offer more insight tomorrow. Until then try not to look at the dreams so literally. Not easy for a logical mind, right. Dreams are abstract, often puns /a play on words. I need a few more hours of sleep then I try to help sort my dreams out, others too if time allows.
Older woman and younger good looking man in the woods. :thumbsup: As for the brothers not being on the up and up who doesn't experience from time to time being ripped off or buying into something that might not be the best investment. Could be loaning a friend that doesn't pay back the money, stock that loses out in the market, a colleague that is doing things on the sly. Wonder if that is what I am meant to experience....the shoe on the other foot thing.

Cant be what I am meant to experience (doesn't go down too well) unless being with a younger man is it. :D :party: And why not if men do it in this life....now women too a bit.

As for your plane dreams, I was starting to think plane crash, only I think I have already been down that track. Interesting dream with planes though.

I already share a close relationship with my sisters (few moments of discord) and I actually have a lot of brothers and sisters.

The telepathy part is intriguing and being part of a carnival. Really really cool.....:)

One dream looks like it goes back to an old primitive like time or at least to basics with underhanded things going on whereas the other is more "nowish" with planes and bonded people on a seemingly equal wavelength. Contradictory in some ways.

If I am born again in 100 years time, give or take, would planes not have evolved in some way or been wiped out depending on what happens in that time. And one has to ask...will there really be an earth as we know it still here.


No dreams for you DND, so sorry! I'm on vacation this week so I'm sleeping more deeply and I get to sleep until I'm 'done', if that makes any sense. Only trouble with that in terms of remembering dreams is that I'm not getting interrupted during REM sleep so I'm not waking up right out of a dream.

In the meantime, I had a thought about the dream you posted yourself. I think it's possibly a metaphor. I do think you will be a power broker of some sort in a future life, but nomadic tribesmen may actually represent different countries (possibly in the mideast, hence the setting) or even beings from different planets/galaxies. (Yep, a little way out there, but we ARE talking about the future.)

Just for a frame of reference I did a past life regression one time and while I did visit one or two other past lives, I also visited a life that I am living concurrently to this one where I was a priestess on another world. Crazy, iddn't it?

Food for thought! :)


Both of your dreams were so interesting but this is the one that really jumped out and wanted to be analyzed, so here is my two cents.

Dream Two

I was flying into a near by hub. The airport is near a butte that is in reality 1,496 ft (456 m) high but in the dream it took three harrowing flights to get over. The first landed fine on one side near the top. We then exited the plane via steps onto the tarmac as it were. An open air vehicle came by and stopped, some people got on, no announcement of any kind was made so I continued to wait as it departed. It turned out that I should have been on that vehicle. I caught the next one that was more like a luggage cart to the next plane.

This plane took us over the peak, though a crevasse, and then had to twist to about a 30 degree angle to miss a boulder, landing one wheel before the other on a very short landing strip. eeek Even the pilot was sweating nervously, stating he was always amazed that he actually made it upon landing. Again an open air vehicle arrived, I didn't miss it this time. :wink: Then to the last flight, This one got us into the actual airport.

Again the airport wasn't anything like what it is now in real life, but it did have an indoor waiting area. Once inside I met up with my best friend and her two older sisters. Both sisters are loud, the oldest being the kind who gives the feeling of warmth and caring. It felt like I relayed a story to them telepathically. It was perhaps more of a shared memory that I was reminding my friend of and sharing with her sisters as well. The memory was of me at 14 or 15 yrs of age and an older carnival worker.

My friends sisters departed separately, the oldest after warm hugs, as did my friend, who's husband and son were now in the scene.

feeling rather poorly again so off to bed I go *waves*
The first thing that stands out in this dream is the notion that an obstacle needed to be overcome and it was done in three parts. Three has the energy of creativity; it is the child of the one (male) and yang (female). Mind, body, and spirit also come to mind, or even past, present and future.

Planes can represent our ideals or 'high-flying' thoughts, according to Tanner. The landing of a plane can be seen as the return of your thoughts, intentions or ideals, as in karma coming back in.

So... perhaps this dream represents the life goals that will 'come in for a landing' in your future life. The first landing, with the delayed realization that you should perhaps have taken the first open air vehicle that came by, could represent a past life (even the one you are in, as it will some day become a past life!) where you got so far and then were unable to move past a certain point. The second landing was more of a challenge - but you got the point and took the right vehicle. From what I've read of the way karma works, I think we are given a chance to learn a life lesson as per our life plan but as we have free will, we can decide not to learn that one this time around. However, the next time the chance comes in some future life, it may be a bit more drastic than had we decided to go along with the life lesson in the first place.

The people who met you inside could be members of your soul family who are there to encourage you and empathize with your experiences about flying in the 'earth plane'.

Again, just some ideas that came to me; you may or may not resonate, DND. :)

Starri Knytes

DownUnderNZer another dream and then I will add thoughts to the last two.

I was at an upscale beach resort where a top fashion designer was having a runway show. I'm not sure if I was actually attending the show or just managed to get plucked of of the boardwalk. The was a problem, the designer was frantic, he needed to replace the model for his featured swimsuit. I was pulled in, I can see the concert as the designer eyes me, I'm at least 15-20 years older than the other models and only 5ft 2in bare foot (157.5cm?), and though thin my frame is medium, making me appear thicker in certain items of clothing.

The designer standing one arm folded at his waist, the other hand cupping his chin scowled. Then in a fit of frustration threw his hands in the air, turned, and shouted, "MAKE IT WORK!" at the dressers. uuuugh The dressers scurried around quickly, pulling the suit in two different colors and tree different sizes. I was shifting nervously hoping beyond hope that this wasn't going to be a G-String type of situation..
lol no one wants to see old ass, right.. gaaaaaawd how I did not turn and run is beyond me, but then again this is a dream, RIGHT? ;)

The dressers chose the suit they wanted me in and dressed me, It was f'ing fabulous!! Full coverage just to let you know. grins It was a strapless bikini cut low in the cleavage and had skimpy bottoms. Along the entire top and bottom edge of the suits top was a dangling fringe of beads. The top fringe dangled to the bottom edge of the top and the bottom fringe dangled a few inches lower slightly obscuring my upper belly. The gemstone fringe on the bottoms was attached to the waistband as it were and fell to below my bum creating sort of a skirt or a curtain of beads hiding the bottoms.

Odd it seemed that no matter the size of the garment they all fit me to perfection. I was unsure if they were transforming me or I them. In the mean time the show had begun, now dressed I went to the board that had the order inwhich we were to line up on it and I Had Been SKIPPED! :eek: I was furious after all these people have put me though, looking me over like I was an object without feeling, judging my usefulness when it was THEY who needed ME!!

I spied the designer off to the side of the stage and hurried over to him to demand to know the meaning of this.. As I approached the designers face lit up, he hurried toward me putting his arm around my shoulder and before I could utter a word he pushed me into line and snapped at the stagger to get me on next. The suit was a smash and no sooner had I gotten off stage they were hurrying me into to the next bikini, everything about the style was the same, just the color and size were different.

Again this bathing suit fit me like second skin. I had never seen anything like it. I wasn't yet over the amazement when I was nudged out onto the runway again. This repeats with the third bathing suit, It was the grand finally bikini, this suit it was the same color as the first with a tiny bit more sparkle, different size of course and it fit like a dream.

After the finally the designer rushed to me, he could not believe what I was able to do with his bikini. Others had put it on, but no one else could transform it into a part of themselves the way I could. He told me that I must not take it off. I must wear it now out on the beach for everyone to see.

That is exactly what I did. It made me feel young and beautiful. In the water like like a Mermaid when I emerged from the water I was not wet. I knew I would never be without it again. and, It seemed that the designer agreed

Starri Knytes

Both of your dreams were so interesting but this is the one that really jumped out and wanted to be analyzed, so here is my two cents.

The first thing that stands out in this dream is the notion that an obstacle needed to be overcome and it was done in three parts. Three has the energy of creativity; it is the child of the one (male) and yang (female). Mind, body, and spirit also come to mind, or even past, present and future.

Planes can represent our ideals or 'high-flying' thoughts, according to Tanner. The landing of a plane can be seen as the return of your thoughts, intentions or ideals, as in karma coming back in.

So... perhaps this dream represents the life goals that will 'come in for a landing' in your future life. The first landing, with the delayed realization that you should perhaps have taken the first open air vehicle that came by, could represent a past life (even the one you are in, as it will some day become a past life!) where you got so far and then were unable to move past a certain point. The second landing was more of a challenge - but you got the point and took the right vehicle. From what I've read of the way karma works, I think we are given a chance to learn a life lesson as per our life plan but as we have free will, we can decide not to learn that one this time around. However, the next time the chance comes in some future life, it may be a bit more drastic than had we decided to go along with the life lesson in the first place.

The people who met you inside could be members of your soul family who are there to encourage you and empathize with your experiences about flying in the 'earth plane'.

Again, just some ideas that came to me; you may or may not resonate, DND. :)
Thank you so much Mel, did you hear me last night /early this morning? I was hoping you would pop in and add your opinion. (Hugs)

Now if I can get CN and Daniel here to help with meanings..

Starri Knytes

Alright sweetie, this is what I have seen and heard (through inner voice and my mirror) concerning the first dream
Song, Big Yellow Taxi.. specifically the lyrics "They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot"

I know who is Granny from the Hillbillies.....they struck oil. :) Like the sitcom too.....

Seems to be in all dreams, except one: Women vs Men theme.

Older woman and younger good looking man in the woods. :thumbsup: As for the brothers not being on the up and up who doesn't experience from time to time being ripped off or buying into something that might not be the best investment. Could be loaning a friend that doesn't pay back the money, stock that loses out in the market, a colleague that is doing things on the sly. Wonder if that is what I am meant to experience....the shoe on the other foot thing.

Cant be what I am meant to experience (doesn't go down too well) unless being with a younger man is it. :D :party: And why not if men do it in this life....now women too a bit.
No doubt..

I see you as the woman living a peaceful happy life at one with your environment. The scenery big trees nicely spaces tell me you have plenty of room to breathe and grow,. The bear shows me your are
living in harmony with your surroundings. A young companion appears you two have so much in common you could have easily stayed in this place and thrived, but you allow him to take you away (though I feel you are able to leave at anytime)
I'm feeling the spindly closely spaced trees are showing a lack of room to grow. Your friends brother methods for growth do nothing but stunt growth cutting it short/cut it off at the knees . You know the peace, balance, and growth you once had will never be found here.
I feel a bit of sadness here, the question remains unanswered. Will you stay where there is no growth or will your companion leave his family and business to follow you?

As for your plane dreams, I was starting to think plane crash, only I think I have already been down that track. Interesting dream with planes though.

I already share a close relationship with my sisters (few moments of discord) and I actually have a lot of brothers and sisters.

The telepathy part is intriguing and being part of a carnival. Really really cool.....:)

One dream looks like it goes back to an old primitive like time or at least to basics with underhanded things going on whereas the other is more "nowish" with planes and bonded people on a seemingly equal wavelength. Contradictory in some ways.

If I am born again in 100 years time, give or take, would planes not have evolved in some way or been wiped out depending on what happens in that time. And one has to ask...will there really be an earth as we know it still here.

Song - The Long and Winding Road..

The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to your door.
don't know why my dreams all have theme songs this week, *shrugs* I'm adding what I hear

I see the dream with the plane much as Mel..
life's a journey sit back and enjoy the ride..

Your journey however is longer than others. There are missed opportunities, lessons learned, scary landings. Take comfort in the knowledge that your loved ones will be there waiting for you in the end..