How many decks do you guys have?

Tarot dance

***With my recent purchase of the Tarot del Fuego, Happy Tarot, and the Japaridze Tarot....I now have 203 decks...

Scarlet Woodland

Just counted and have immediately forgotten :D Somewhere just shy of 90 anyhow. Thankfully my oracle/lenormand collection is far more tame. Would like to try and keep it under 100 really but with so many beautiful new decks out each year I fear this is an impossible dream.

At the moment I can get to use all my decks as I pick two different ones to use every week. Fingers crossed I can restrain myself and keep it that way :bugeyed:


How many decks do you guys have?Can one have too many decks?

I learnt that for Tarot, you can learn different things from different set of tarot decks... Same for Oracle .....

But for Lenormand, someone told me no matter what kind of deck design I get, the way of reading is fix and standard, so there is no need for me to get so many different decks...

is this true?

72 Tarot decks, 18 Oracles and 6 Lenormands.
(I know some people on this forum have a whole library full of decks :) ...)
As - I haven't actually learned to read Lenormand properly yet (still at the point of - "Oh...look at that... what does that mean and how does one read it?...") - I can't answer your question about that.
But I enjoy "changing the scenery" with the decks I use - i.e. I like looking at lots of different artwork. So it's doubtful that I'd stick to one deck with that.
You could ask the readers in the Lenormand section.


I have around 22 tarot decks, 6 oracle decks plus a few extras like runes.

I know I'll get more; I already have 3 or 4 deck purchases planned. However I do plan on keeping my total of everything under 50, maybe even 40.

There are so many great decks. It's hard not to get caught up in that.
At the same time though, I do have limited space and want to really use and appreciate what I have.

There are times too when I think about paring down to just my 10 favorites.

For now though, I'm good with where I'm at.

Daemon Lover

I have over 260 Tarot decks...need to update a few.

Around 67 Oracle decks..

I have a hard time keeping it all organised...I don't think I could manage a large deck collection and remain sane!


Around 48 decks, though a considerable number of them are duplicates.


I have over 260 Tarot decks...need to update a few.

Around 67 Oracle decks..

I have a hard time keeping it all organised...I don't think I could manage a large deck collection and remain sane!

i think i am at my limit at 200 decks for knowing where to find a specific one in less then 2 minutes.
I really need new shelfs - badly.
The cabinet i use got a wonky leg that will give way and crush me and my cats anyday now.

I also got decks spread out around the house.


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Thinking more on this, in my case there are two valid answers. "Too many . . . and not enough." If the follow-up question were "How many of those decks do you think you really need?" the answer for me would be four: one each of the "Big Three" tarot decks and a Lenormand deck; oracle decks would be optional.


Thinking more on this, in my case there are two valid answers. "Too many . . . and not enough." If the follow-up question were "How many of those decks do you think you really need?" the answer for me would be four: one each of the "Big Three" tarot decks and a Lenormand deck; oracle decks would be optional.
I'm starting another thread about this! Hopefully you won't mind the quote :)

Back in a few with the Link :p