Intuitive Exercises


I'd love to sit- no real question, Perse just what to you get? Or feel or see for me?


I completely agree. Not that my opinion matters really. But I enjoy watching your readings. So insightful.
Thank you =) I in return like to read your readings and exchanges!

<puts down a plate of bumboo and hard tack>


Hah, I felt that one coming up :joke:
Focusing on your name... nah, does not work.
I need a question to focus on, or else I'll just send Reiki. Which isn't bad, but you did not request it.

So how about a matter you like to get some information from?

lol I've been active in the yes no and the one card. Maybe I've beaten it to death recently. Can we rain check? I'd love tonexchange with you soon, but right now I can't come up with. Question that I haven't already discussed adnauseum and feel like I should give it a couple of days. But if you have any questions I'd be happy to read/ feel :)


Thank you =) I in return like to read your readings and exchanges!

<puts down a plate of bumboo and hard tack>

Why thank you! I am humbly blessed to hear that. Thank you :)


Rain check is fine =) we can exchange when you have a question.
This thread will stay open as long as there are brave guinea pigs coming along

Cool! Thank you!


Much appreciated. Thank you.

QUOTE=zhadee;5039766]Thank you for the feedback.
Fear, anxiety and stress result in tunnel vision. If you are the person that is squeezed to the wall, you'll need more space. Both physically and mentally.
Course of action should be anything that reduces your level of stress.

Good luck matey!


Ahoy KnightOfTheCosmos, thank you for sitting. I don't get any physical response when focusing on your topic. You seem to do your very best, and the lack of response is not your fault. I don't get any sign that hints to a necessary change. I neither feel fear, nor joy, nor frustration. Just silence. No feeling at all.
So this makes me wonder if you feel comfortable at all with the job you are looking for. Is it something that you really like to do, or is it the only option available to you? Is it something you feel obliged to do, because of salary or qualification?

I have strong feelings about my job, so the absence of any emotional stirring when focusing on your question give a peculiar impression.
Feel free to come back and modify your query!

It is SO interesting that you don't sense anything, and that makes sense! Part of me is so confused about this job search that I honestly thought I was doing something wrong. I was wondering what was wrong with me, but it's hard for a millennial to find a job right now. You are right; I have been trying my very best to find a job (I've been looking since October) but I've had no luck. I don't have job experience, as I went straight from high school to college to graduate school (I graduated two weeks ago, but I finished the program in December, there were just no winter ceremonies so I had to wait). So I thought I was doing something wrong. I've started to look for jobs a level below my degree and I got some interviews but I even got rejected from THOSE jobs because I didn't have the experience.

So your question is a good one. My degree is in forensic mental health counseling, and I really would like to help lgbt victims of hate crimes and domestic violence. I've always liked helping people, but my first passion was actually being a musician. However, I put that at the wayside when my depression started to arise when I was a teenager. I lost pleasure in everything. Then I realized I'd like to be a therapist.

But this job search has me doubting everything, you know? Since it's going so bad, I was wondering if I was the problem. It's weird; I feel obliged to do it but because I know how difficult it could be, being a queer person of color and looking for help out there as I'm also a queer person of color, and I want other people like me to have support. So I feel obliged to help them because that population REALLY needs help, and I genuinely want to help them. But at the same time I've always felt obliged to help people, since I was a child. :(

But now I'm like, "Is this really what I'm meant to do? Is the Universe sending me a sign with this difficult job search? Should I have stuck to my original passion of being a professional musician?" Questions like that.

So your reading makes a lot of sense, actually. I'm another young adult in their 20s trying to figure things out, you know? ^__^;;

I'm also wondering if you didn't get any impressions because I immediately wanted to ask another question (what are the chances of me meeting a potential romantic partner who mutually likes me in the near future?) but I figured this question was more productive. ^__^;; But both things are things I think about a lot.

Oh, thank you for asking =) Well, basically it's something I've experienced from early childhood on. But its sideeffects are so confusing, I thought this was an expression of my weirdness. I mainly used it for my own pleasure, and I hardly ever tell people about it. So in a way, I have a lifetime of experience. Meditation comes in handy as well. I find it hard to sit still, doing so makes me think of all the things I have to get done so I prefer to move around. I can fully relax when walking or riding my bike. Even folding laundry, doing dishes or cleaning works as meditation for me. I also like to stare at things, but this demands me to sit still so I don't do it very often.

The way I do these readings - I look at the question which presents me with an initial reaction. Then I relax my body and mind, until I'm void of any thought and feeling, until I am absolutely calm. It's just breathing and heart beating. And then I write down what happens next.
It's completely different from the daily experience which confronts me with kaleidoscopic images, feelings, sensations, and thoughts I get when meeting with real people face to face.

That's so fascinating. I used to have experiences when I was a kid too, things I couldn't explain but just accepted. It was more like visions and getting messages in my head, hearing voices, out of body experiences. Those sorts of things. Now I feel things more emotionally (and physically, had someone kicking me while I was meditating which was so wild), if that makes sense. I'm beginning to get overstimulated quite easily now too, so maybe that also has to do with feeling things more as of late.

Meditation is tough for me too, unless I'm a bit tired. I find I meditate better when I wake up in the morning. I will try what you do and see what happens. :) I used to do "stream of conscious" writings, where I set aside a certain amount of time and just kept writing without stopping. It really helped to get my feelings and thoughts out.

Thanks a lot for this reading!! And sorry for the essay...^___^;; It made me think about things a lot! I may actually start thinking seriously about music. That passion never left, and I started taking music lessons recently. I have a lot to think about, so it's time to take out my journal. :D