Missing Ganesh: reward if found!


I think it's in a wooden cupboard with black/iron handles. I feel like it was purposely placed there... I feel like the door opens to the left, and I feel the statue was placed to the left of another object on a shelf inside, but I'm not sure what the other object is... something material and red in color I think... I keep thinking of like a hand towel, but I'm not sure that's quite right.


i got the sense of a towel too. have you checked the bathroom (you never know what you might bring with you unconsciously when you gotta go)? To me it felt like it was near a bath towel. I've seen you post that you've checked dressers and laundry, but have you checked where you keep you bath towels? Just a thought...


water Jug and baby taking bath can represent water. look in kitchen, or bathroom.


Sorry for having been out of touch, all.

My grandmother passed away 2 days ago and I so hopped on the first plane to Canada to come and support my mom.

I thank you for your responses, and will resume the search for the statue when I'm back in Uruguay in a month or so.



I'm very sorry for your loss- my thoughts are with you and your family.

As far as your Ganesh? I'm a second person who says "It's in the kitchen". Pulled 3 of Pentacles, and the first thing that caught my eye was someone who looked like they were stirring a pot.

Best wishes.


Sorry for your loss as well....here is some advice that my friends give me when I lose something and cannot find it against all odds.

1.) "Fairys return it!" It sounds cheesy and corny, but belive me, it pretty much works. Never say please or thank you...although you can leave a tiny gift. 9 times out of 10, the said missing object will return...usually in a place already searched through so many times before.

2.) Stop looking for it, and it will be found.

It's not much, but hope it helps.


Very sorry for your loss! Sending healing white light...


(((Rasa))) also sorry for your loss. I keep reading here hoping you find it, but I've yet to pull my cards out to see what I can find. I originally (the day this thread started) thought of it being in something--like a bag or box, and perhaps in a car--as if you planned to take it to work. But, that was w/o cards--so now I will try and see if the cards will help to find it.

so, with my druid craft deck, I asked where you could find the Missing Ganesh and I pulled:

prince of pentacles, king of pentacles rx, and the 8 of swords rx

the prince of pentacles does make me feel like you were planning to take it in the car somewhere and packed it into a container to carry it to its destination. now, whether or not it actually made it to the car I can't tell. but, I feel it is in a place that was to take it there/some other place.

The king of pents rx makes me wonder also if possibly your husband removed it from the car (if it did make it there) or from the container it was in? The 8 of swords rx tells me that it is being concealed by many other things around it. I feel like you are probably looking RIGHT at it, w/o actually seeing it--and possibly because other things are helping to conceal it.

I also feel like you are close to finding it. So, don't give up! keep looking. It must be in the house still and I'm convinced you will find it, soon.

good luck!


Rasa, have you found your Ganesh?


Rasa, have you found your Ganesh?

I'm still out of the country for about another 4 days.. I'll resume the search when I get home, and keep you posted. ;)