Pony Tarot


MM ~ I like the coolness of the colors! A very "no static" feel! "Hang me by the toes (hooves?), no problem, I'll just snooze"...BB, Stella

Little Hare

this deck is amazing!

i wanta my little pony deck!!!!!

when you finish it all please try and find a publisher because i would love a copy of this deck

its awesome!!!!


I have to say these cards are very charming and I love your artwork. I am curious if you are drawing these for your own use, or if you do indeed plan to look into publishing. If you do, you will have to look into the copyright issues. I have a lot of resources available to that end, and if you are planning on going the publishing route, please feel free to give me a shout if you need a hand with contacting the copyright holder. I'd be glad to help, and it would be a very worthwhile cause. :)



I am thinking of publishing them widespread, which is why I'm trying to separate them from the Hasbro ponies. Hence the no symbols on the butts.


Hmmm. The symbols are actually a collector's device to identify the fakes that sprung up. Yes, the producers of the fakes got away with it as long as they did not copy the symbol, but I don't know if that is only because Hasbro chose to look the other way, or if indeed they only copyrighted the symbol. Is there, to your knowledge a statement from Hasbro stipulating that the symbol alone is copyrighted and the actual image is basically public domain? If so, then certainly you are in the clear. If not, it's a fine line.

I can check some legal texts to see if I can find evidence of Hasbro bringing action against anyone, and what that particulars and outcome were. If they had brought action against any of the manufactures of the imitations, and it was dismissed, that would be a good indication. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to consult with a copyright attorney. Some of these big companies are happy to pounce and it would probably be more economical to do all the official checks and be sure your ducks are in a row, so to speak, rather than go through all the production set up costs to possibly end up facing a cease and desist. Even if you won, such an action could substantially cut into your profits.

Also, I have not been active there recently, but I do belong to some forums that dealt specifically with copyright and licensing issues. I can search through there to see if this particular product came up if you'd like.

I'm just concerned that you would have poured your heart and soul into this, and invested money in production only to have Hasbro drop a wall in front of you. I would hate to see that happen to anyone. I only bring this up as an offer to help as I do have some resources available, not to admonish you at all, and please don't think that I'm trying to tell you what to do. Certainly, how you proceed is totally up to you, but it's a strange (and litigious) world in which we live and it's always good to know folks are trying to watch your back for you.



MM ~ I see soooo many fake ponies in dollar stores and the like - not so many now as awhile back, copying Bratz has come into vogue - but I think you're probably safe. A Tarot deck is probably less irritating to a big corporation than the fake toys in every dollar store in the continental US and Puerto Rico. Once in awhile, the little guy gets sued. When I lived in Massachusetts, thay had a local brand of sodas called Polar that was very old, and they had always used a Polar Bear on their labels. When they finally made a television commercial, though, Coca Cola tried to sue them because Coke, in recent years, had started using commercials with Polar Bears. Which was ridiculous and only goes to show what jerks they have at Coke, but they did succeed in getting the commercial yanked. Moral of the story? I'm not sure....I've heard Disney likes suing "smaller" people, too. Who does Hasbro belong to now? Are they jerks? That's the question...BB, Stella


I've been looking around at lawsuits brought by Hasbro and there are quite a number of them.

This site (or part of it) is to be taken down soon because the owner is going to try to fight the cease and desist letter he received from Hasbro.


Judging from that, I think they are right up there with Coke and Disney on legal action.



Hi Nethilia,
Im so impressed, they are coming along so nicely. The Tower Pony, as someone else noted, has the best facial expression - it says it all. The Hanging (Suspended) Pony, looks medatative and the turquoise is a beautiful colour for this particular pony.

They look great - as always. I am interested also, in what you are planning to do with them when you have finished. Keep us informed, wont you!

Many Blessings
Elven x


From what I've see with Hasbro's interactions with the pony community, they're not very harsh on them as a whole and even interact lightly. They have been to at least one international gathering where people sold art and customs, and long as it is not the exact same pony or being passed off as a Hasbro pony/My Little Pony, they have let it go. Many people customize and sell ponies and sell artwork, and Hasbro has not come down on them as individuals. Perhaps this is because they have not turned a large profit, but I don't know. I can't say how'd they act with a tarot deck, but this is how they've reacted to the pony community. If anyone can find things for me about this, I'll happily listen.

This is why I've specifically called my deck the Pony Deck and not the My Little Pony Deck, and not placed any symbols on any hips or made any ponies look like Hasbro releases, not even in design or overall look. I try to stay away from anything that might get me in trouble while still capturing the idea of brightly colored horses in a tarot deck. Many of the designs, such as the hippocampus on the Moon card and the feathered wings on the pegasi, are not like Hasbro ponies. I could always change the name later on.

As for my next card shown, I think it will be the Heirophant/the Teacher. I'm inking it now.


possible good news

Okay, as I am not a lawyer (and don't play one on TV;)) this is not offered in any official capacity, so take it for what it's worth. I have been researching the background on this hoping to find answers for you, and found that Hasbro has officially lost the rights to the first generation (only) of the product line. Now that leaves a door open for artists to use the likeness of that version, however, I am trying to ensure that the rights have not been picked up elsewhere. If I find anything, I'll let you know, but this looks very encouraging for you.
