Sexual orientation and the tarot


Um.....this is such a stupid question, but it must be asked. Can you find another person's sexual orientation through the tarot? I have this reading coming up, and I would hate to be outed to the reader..........


Are you asking if a tarot reader could guess your orientation using the cards alone?

That may be an unanswerable question.

Can people usually decipher your orientation without cards? Some people have sharp gaydar.

So I ask myself, what if you were on the other side of a screen, where they could not see or hear you? Or... if it is an online reading, like the readings I do.

Sometimes the cards give me two male characters or two female characters for a relationship reading and I ask myself if it is a relationship between two partners of the same sex. But very often it turns out not to be, so I have learned not to make assumptions from the cards.

My question for you is why do you wish to keep it a secret?


I have found that lots of people you think might be gay are not. Lots do not look in the least gay and are ! Most women are pretty good at concealing it so I assume men must be as well.

Having said all that I don't give a hoot anyway. I guess I would just read them as relaionships of one sort or another and let the chips fall where they may. I have a very close female friend and we are not gay. So I don't think you can really tell. Why do people care anyway ? They are not there.


I think I'd also ask whether you trust the reader. If you feel uncomfortable with the reader, such that you're hiding part of who you are, you'll get (in my opinion) less information from the experience. In my opinion, it's completely irrelevant what your orientation is. What IS relevant is whether the reader is a good fit to work with you.

Your mileage may vary. ;)


I also think that in given context your orientation is irrelevant and i think it's a very good suggestion to look for a reader who'll make you feel comfortable.
When i am doing readings for people whose orientation i don't know (that's mostly online), if i see something relevant about their love life, i use 'he/she' when reffering to their partner.


Thanks guys.


firemaiden said:
My question for you is why do you wish to keep it a secret?

I'm not certain, actually. I've known the reader for quite some time...And I've come out to almost everyone else I know. He seems quite outspoken about homosexuality, especially between males, which I happen to


Outspoken as in he does not approve? Whichever way, I, too, would suggest looking for a different reader. You could do a reading exchange with someone here.


Yes, as in he does not approve... Of course, that could just be him talking out of his ass. His son is my best friend, and he was the same way until I came out to him, and then he accepted me...


If you must go to this reader after all, whether or not there is even a chance of being outed would depend on the question. If you are looking for advice regarding what kind of car to buy, for example, you are unlikely to be outed.