Tarot and being a Medium - I urgently need your opinions‏


i could see the pyramid selling, but the good masters seem to advise you healing yourself not paying for block treatments.

not sure about unblocking mediumship potential, i found he helped me connect consistantly , not in a random way as i had before. i found it helped me raise my vibration through meditation easier and therefore help me read better, but not sure on mediumship.

to be honest she sounds fishy, you might no be a medium...you might have a range of other skills too.


Essjay said:
Umbigo - are you able to work with your mediumship skills yet?

I wish :-( I used to see things and hear voices when I was a child... Now I'm more a sensitive type. When you don't know how to use mediumship, it becomes a curse!


Le Fanu said:
mmmmm... sounds a bit suspicious to me. Did I understand this correctly? The only way forward for you, according to this person, is to pay more money for more Reiki session. And it can take "a year or more".. Gosh, how many paid Reik sessions can you fit into a year...

I know that Reiki has been around for years, but the world is full of skilled mediums and readers and all sorts of gifted people who didn´t do Reiki and have developed their gift by following their own path, making their own internal journey.

Honestly, the things people come out with...(her, not you :) )

No, not in that way... She suggested that I do another initiation / workshop. And she says that after that, I have to work my skills.

The problem is that I don't feel capable of working them. I don't even complete my own Reiki sessions. I just feel too tired.


214red said:
I totally agree, if you do an attunment that cost me £100, then you can heal yourself which is what they recomend....so why is she telling you to have a years worth of healing when you can heal yourself!

I already have an attunment (here in Portugal we call it "level 1" - there are 3 levels), done with another teacher, but this one says that I lost my connection to Reiki. That's why my own treatments are not working - I am not "connected".



I'm about as sensitive as a brick but wish I understood more so that I could help. :(


Umbigo... two things... she had no right to label you a medium. It is not that easy to be a medium and sometimes takes long years and much practice if you even decide to try to become one.

Secondly... you don't need Reiki in order to live. Unless you want it of course.

You might have medium capababilities, who knows, but don't spend a lot of money on a goose chase. I have Reiki 1 and Reiki 11 and it is a good thing
but not the be all and end all of the healing field. There are other modalities as well. This is just one.

I think you are getting sucked into paying money. She may be trying to help you I don't know but to not give a choice is wrong. Have you been to the Doctor ?

There are many mediums on here and also people who practice Reiki professionally as well.


once you have reiki your always connected as that connection doesnt die.

look round and perhaps find a healing circle or a reiki share perhaps, or even a development circle that can help you develope whatever skills you have


since were on a tarot forum perhaps we could do a couple readings for you?
with questions such as....

-should umbigo seek help in the spiritual world (reiki, energy healing etc) or the physical world (doctors etc)?
-what are is this persons motives towards umbigo?
- perhaps use the spiritual/psychic development spread?

i know its not much but anyone fancy joining and giving umbigo a reading?



Hello :)

This is interesting....:bugeyed: you cannot "lose" your connection to Reiki! It doesnt work like that. You can become "out of practice" in actually "using" (if thats the right word) it...but that connection once made will not "break"...I am a medium, I also have Reiki Level 3/Master Level (whatever you prefer to call it) & I find that the 2 things work well together along with Tarot as well. Regardless of what she says, you have to go with how you feel....if you have been able to "see" things at some time in your life then you are probably very "sensitive" & you may feel that you would like to learn some grounding & protection exercises/rituals to use before doing readings with Tarot... so that you are working with your own energy only . If you do feel you would like to explore the possibility that you are a medium you could seek some advice from a local spiritual group/Spiritualist Church & maybe attend some of their workshops to see if it is something you feel comfortable with. It does take a lot of dedication & patience too - Memries is right :)

I would take this womans comments with a pinch of salt to be honest, she had no right to worry you by saying you should not touch your cards!!!!


I agree with Le Fanu on this. Some doctrines and schools of thought are intensely jealous of others but never publicly say so. Also, they can be very controling. Good if what this lady has told you is right for you - otherwise i would tend to walk away.
Like others on here i have endured insomnia for more years than remembered.
No use fighting it so that's why i cast readings in the early hours and sometimes do manage to sleep better afterwards. Could it be that this is more of a problem for air sign / sword people i wonder ?
Good luck to you -