Tarot and being a Medium - I urgently need your opinions‏


ok ..let see

1. what was it that made her say she you were a medium..

could it be that you told her that many people say that you are and you were wondering if you were ? or did she say out of the blue without any prior information.

2. touching your deck (which was changed later to reading for others )

my freind there are grounding excerises one could work on to balance themselves out energy wise before a reading and energy raising techiques that work (for me anyways ).

also reading for others if you are certain that you are not controlling their lives, and dumping your own judgements on them which could happen if a tarot reader is not in balance,,
can be therupetic for you as well.

3. it doenst' have to take an year or more,,
but of course it could,, our own paths are uniqe after all.

4. if you havne't been attuned to reiki before,,or done a lot of study on it..let me share some with you

4.1 there are many ways you can get free long distance attunements ,,there are yahoo groups, websites, forums, out there one can make requests on..
you can also find affordable long distance attuenments if you are a great self study as well.
you could also trade for attunements.

there are several free online manuals out there that you can contrast and compare,,
and of course get the spirit of reiki and steve murray books for i like them.

reikiing oneself will eventually bring up i ssues one would not want to deal with but since we are clearing blockages they can come up..
are you sure you are ready for that ?

5. what do i do

i ground myself,, i bring in the light ,, i picture both of us in balls of light so lower level entities and energies would not be attracted.

6. insomnia

there are many possible reasons why one could have insominia
stress, an over active mind,,
to fear of the dark and fear of dreams.

one could see a doctor, a psychoanalysis, a shiastsu praticioner,,
but dont' try them all at once,,

try one at a time,, and drink some chamiolle tea or that tea that says night time one or two cups before bed,,
that may help if you havne't tried it.



Its good to hear that you are progressing in your readings with the tarot..and that you are now elevating and learning the next natural process of (mediating)medium connection. The tarot is after all a useful tool to achieve an enlightened life for you and others...like astrology..numerology..alphabets..all tools to further your connective spiritual being.Do take advice..but always first adhere to your natural instinct when others offer you advice.It is your life that depends on it after all..there is nothing out of the ordinary about being a medium..so enjoy and develop it..tj