Tarot D (The Didactic Tarot)


Wow, this deck sure has a lot going on, looks like lots of attention and creativity went into it. It's not usually a kind of deck that would interest me but I am tempted... There's so much going on in each card, I'm not sure it would really be a reading deck.. The artist is a contributor in the Tarot Pink project. What do you all think?



Just had a look at the cards, you are right lots going on and very colourful. l think it looks an interesting Tarot.


There's a whole lotta stuff going on in that deck. And for me that's not a bad thing at all. His link to Facebook is broken, but a quick search shows that Schiffer is publishing the deck in June - http://www.schifferbooks.com/tarot-d-the-didactic-tarot-5759.html. I see that it's a 102 card deck with an extra suit and 2 extra cards per suit, which explains why I couldn't place some of the images.

Definitely going to preorder this one! Thanks aquestionmark!



The cards are strong, impressive. Seems masculine to me.


Someone should tell him to put watermarks on his works, the images are big and fairly high quality (not print quality, but more than good enough for bootleggers).


Someone should tell him to put watermarks on his works, the images are big and fairly high quality (not print quality, but more than good enough for bootleggers).
You just did. I've invited him to this thread and he should be here soon. :)


Greetings all!

Hi everybody! Thank you for your interest in the Tarot D. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Yes, I've been told that the deck is masculine. As I am a heterosexual male and the deck was filtered through me, i guess that was inevitable. The female characters are athletic and very muscular to match their male counterparts (in the case of the pip cards in particular, which depict twin demiurges, the females are sometimes even more muscular if the suit in question has a traditionally yin/feminine attribution). I opted for this rather than drawing them extra curvy and over-sexed as they are often depicted in comic books (though, admittedly there are a few images where they are depicted in this manner if libidinous energy is included in the card's meaning). I wanted there to be an almost androgynous tension between the characters while keeping them superhero-ish and stylized rather than realistically proportioned. I had originally drawn them before as having no primary sex characteristics, but it felt like I was "wimping out" and not being honest with myself or my vision. I teach figure drawing classes and I have to spend a lot of time working students through their stigmas related to our American "culture of shame" surrounding anything dealing with sex or nudity. I could not, in good conscience, omit these details of biology. So, I added the symbols of gender, while keeping both on each card and combining their physiology to keep the meanings as polyvalent as possible. Reproduction is a theme throughout the deck and hence the binary (0/1) is played upon, though not held aloft as an exclusive ideal.

I did not include watermarks purposefully and am not particularly worried about it. If my publisher tells me I have to, then I will. Otherwise, I'm not going to. If someone wants to print out one of my images and hang it on their wall or whatever, great! I didn't create this deck to try and make money. I love the symbolism and the inspiration the Tarot has given me over the last 15 years of my life and so this project was both an exercise in creativity and an offering back to the universe, an act of gratitude, if you will. I appreciate you looking out for me though. I've been exploited for my art since I was 12 years old. I kinda got over it and just stopped caring. Rest assured, as an art educator, I often remind my students to protect their work, since many of them intend to pursue careers in illustration, graphic design etc.


Got my Amazon notification that the deck should be here Tuesday. I pre-ordered almost as soon as I saw this thread, which I guess is a good thing cause this post says that the deck is already sold out.

Impressions in a few days!



I didn't think I would like this deck, so I didn't purchase it at first. But then I watched a video review on Youtube and changed my mind.

I'm glad I read this thread. I was a little unsure about the muscular hairless people in the Minor Arcana cards. But now that I've read the artist's reasons for his choices, I feel more comfortable with the images.

I'm still exploring this deck, but am liking it more each time I play with it.


I didn't think I would like this deck, so I didn't purchase it at first. But then I watched a video review on Youtube and changed my mind.

I'm glad I read this thread. I was a little unsure about the muscular hairless people in the Minor Arcana cards. But now that I've read the artist's reasons for his choices, I feel more comfortable with the images.

I'm still exploring this deck, but am liking it more each time I play with it.
You have yours already?!?!?!?!?!?!? :(