This is Scary and True, Can you Help?


Yup, to be honest, stop being scared and get cheesed off. Who the h*** are they to come into YOUR bedroom? Pointing b****y fingers at you and disturbing your sleep. What the ****?

Do the 'Black Mama' thing and "oh no you do NOT pull that s***t in here".

Let em know that they have absolutely NO power in your domain.

Sweep them out.

Send them back.

Say it with love and a smile and the confidence that you would to naughty children.

Briar Rose

What I would do is open the window and burn lots of sage and tell everything negative that it isn't welcome, and to leave 'this house' and never return.

Then I would burn just a little bit of sage at night right before you get into bed (the loose leaves are great for this), and I would burn an incense stick, too.

I would wipe the area (just a little from a paper towel) with white vinegar, thinking all the while about the bad feeling leaving.

I would burn just white candles in the bedroom, and maybe put some white carnations in the room.

Tansey Ella

Thank you for the replies .


Milfoil said:
Say it(anger) with love and a smile and the confidence that you would to naughty children.

I love that expression! That's exactly the type of anger that's needed in this situation! "Anger Tempered with Love" That mix is much stronger than anger alone, at least in my experience, admittedly mostly with breathing spirits. The trick is to balance the fire and water to create the right amount of stream to get "the job" done.... at least for me at times



Why not let this thing actually "get you"? Would it not be a great and unique experience if it did!?! Think of the fun you could have!.....I bet it is not coming from your closet, but only your mind...that is where the true demons dwell......this "thing" represents something else inside of you...


Moonboy said:
Why not let this thing actually "get you"? Would it not be a great and unique experience if it did!?! Think of the fun you could have!.....I bet it is not coming from your closet, but only your mind...that is where the true demons dwell......this "thing" represents something else inside of you...

That's a joke right?

*nervous laugh*

Take it from someone who has been 'raped' by a spirit, letting it 'get you' is NOT something you should allow to happen


Moonboy said:
Why not let this thing actually "get you"? Would it not be a great and unique experience if it did!?! Think of the fun you could have!.....I bet it is not coming from your closet, but only your mind...that is where the true demons dwell......this "thing" represents something else inside of you...
Er...sorry to break it to you, Moonboy, but the only thing in your mind is the wrong belief that spirits don't exist. Given the physical action some of them have (for good, bad and neutral) - such beliefs are pretty counter-productive. What IS created by the mind is the fear - and so Tansey's been given some good advice on how to deal with her fear.

But the fear of the thing is not the same as the thing itself.

Tansey - there are many people who die and don't pass over, but linger. Some of them might be very angry and unhappy and want some sort of revenge on the living. If you can help them pass, it's good - but best ask someone with the skills and training to do that if you don't have those.


Hm... considering what Rhombchick and Tansey posted (about another poster who woke up bruised), I'd say that those entities can harm you. I'm also thinking of shamans' sould retrieval, which implies that parts of your soul can get lost or stolen from you. So it's probably not that easy (or advisable) to just "laugh it off"?

When I had "visitors", I poured a line of salt on every door and window and visualized white light filling my space. I made a "net" of runes that worked very well. It's also helpful to get angry and order it out (as other have said). My sister hangs up twigs from various trees above her doorstep. And I've read (but haven't tried it out myself) that burning angelica calls in benevolent powers ("angels").

Tansey Ella

edited by myself

Tansey Ella

edited by myself