Trimming the Thoth


Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Anyone have an idea what version akirafist trimmed here? Those colors really seem to be more vibrant than anything I have. But maybe that's just the after effect of freeing the images from the borders.

And if it's a current version, that would leave all my other (older) versions intact so as not to cause heart palpitations among some. :D

And, yes, I understand about leaving the corners intact if my purpose is to see the geometry.



That looks like a 1986 Muller to me. Brightest colours I have. You could see if a blue box Muller is still that much brighter than USG. I know the theory is that it can't be, as they are all printed from the same plates in Belgium - but...

And yes - once trimmed the colours REALLY pop.


I've trimmed a couple or three or four of the standard you-can-get-'em-anywhere Big Green Box ones that cost under $20 on Amazon and that's what they look like. It's fun, Rodney. I use a good sewing scissors.


gregory, I have a dark blue box 86 Muller, but only one, so won't be trimming that one. :)

Debra, I'll take your word for it that the existing readily available green box editions end up looking like that when trimmed and will get one. If mine don't end up looking like that, you're going to get the blame.... :p (I thought I had traded someone for one of those, but maybe it was a small card size for one of my Greenies....)

Le Fanu, your heart can rest easy now. I won't be trimming any OOP Thoths. :D



akirafist confirmed it was a green box Thoth.


Can someone link to where you get gear and techniques for trimming?

Those pics were inspiring!


brightcrazystar said:
Can someone link to where you get gear and techniques for trimming?

Those pics were inspiring!

I made a YouTube video showing how. Don't think I can link it (can I?), but I'm sure if you click the links below my name, you'll find it.


akirafist said:
I made a YouTube video showing how. Don't think I can link it (can I?), but I'm sure if you click the links below my name, you'll find it.

I think linking to your own youtube site may fall under the "no advertising rule", but since you mentioned it, I know of a good video that I could post that folks may appreciate ;)

PS this is the same sort of corner trimmer I used, that takes the barest smidge off. So you don't get pointy corners or damage to your deck, but don't loose all the good projective synthetic geometry fun either.


brightcrazystar said:
Can someone link to where you get gear and techniques for trimming?

Those pics were inspiring!'m kinda simple...good sharp scissors...LOL :)

Le Fanu

A while back, I ordered a 2nd hand large Thoth from an amazon seller in Germany in order to trim and when it arrived boxless, wrapped in a brown paper bag, it had such gorgeous colours (and German titles) that I didn't have the heart to trim it.

I later found out it is a 1986 3-Magus AG Muller and it is beautiful. I shall never trim it.