Cat Decks?


Can you give us some idea of what you find "elegant" in other decks?

For me, "elegant" is bent elbows and close-fitting dresses and martinis without ever getting drunk. I think it's different for everyone, so if we had some idea of what is an elegant deck in your eyes ...


Elegant Cat decks

Well, an elegant cat deck probably wouldn't be "bent elbows, martinis and tight-fitting clothing" :)) I'm thinking of just very lovely, natural-looking cats, not in clothes (which so many seem to be dressed in, BBG, Medieval, White Cats). Most decks seem determined on being "cute" or funny, meant to make the reader go, ooooh, how cute, rather than just beautiful cat drawings. So, my idea of an elegant cat deck would be just that, elegant, beautifully drawn cat pictures in more natural settings, like one would see in one's home or outside, without cutesy connotations. In other words, how cats really seem to be.


greatdane said:
Well, an elegant cat deck probably wouldn't be "bent elbows, martinis and tight-fitting clothing" :)) I'm thinking of just very lovely, natural-looking cats, not in clothes (which so many seem to be dressed in, BBG, Medieval, White Cats). Most decks seem determined on being "cute" or funny, meant to make the reader go, ooooh, how cute, rather than just beautiful cat drawings. So, my idea of an elegant cat deck would be just that, elegant, beautifully drawn cat pictures in more natural settings, like one would see in one's home or outside, without cutesy connotations. In other words, how cats really seem to be.
Someone's already mentioned the Cats Eye Tarot, and that seems to be exactly what you're describing (natural cats in pretty natural settings). It's very pretty, too. I don't believe it's finished though, but it'll be worth the wait, I think.


Hi WingSpread!

And Roppo, sorry I just saw you just posted as well.

That is a much more natural deck to me. I have noticed it before, but like you mentioned, it's not out yet. If anyone has ever had a cat, they know what I mean by cats in a more natural setting, looking more natural, than dressed in clothes or looking like cartoon cats. Again, not that there is ANYTHING wrong with those decks, they're....cute!

Oh, here is a good example of an elegant cat to me. I would love a deck with drawings like this of all sorts of cats, just drawn in settings of a deck.



Okay, I have a better idea of your requirements now.

The Kissatarot is not drawn in a photorealistic style, but it shows cats being cats, and doing cat-stuff. Sleeping, walking, sitting and looking bored, watching humans in amazement, looking at birds. The thing I like about it and which may suit you despite the artistic style, is that the cats are definitely cats, not humans trapped in cat-bodies.

I believe our very own Kissa may be able to get you a copy - PM her. She got copies for many people here at one stage, and I believe she might have one or two still available.


Thanks, Nisaba

Actually, I DID email Kissa quite awhile back. I later read on a thread that they are gone. If I did find one, they would likely be out of my price range. It IS a lovely deck. I think I could be quite happy with the Cat's Eye when it is published. I'm thinking it must find a publisher, as I believe many would want this deck. I love cats and I am not immune to cute cat pictures or amusing caricatures, but for a tarot deck I would prefer something like you mentioned.....cats being cats :)).



I like my cats in full, formal dress! :)


Well, Great Dane, I went looking on google (my best mate) and I think I have found a cat deck that hasn't been mentioned yet!

I found this.

I have no idea whether it is for sale, the site looks a bit old.

But it's cats, and I don't think they are wearing clothes, which is a sort of a relief to me because it's kind of freaky seeing cats who are better dressed than I am.
Like when I see beggars in the street and they ask me for money and their clothes are nicer than mine. that's weird, and I think it might be weirder when it's cats.
Now cats begging for money in the street wearing better clothes than me would be weirdest of all...
But that hasn't happened yet.


LOL Aine!

I can appreciate that :). Oh, HI LILLIE! Just saw you posted right after I posted mine. I will have to check out more. THANK YOU for finding it and including the link. OK, just checked it out. I do like they are natural cats (granted I have never seen a cat in a bowtie or wearing pearls while selecting music on a jukebox...).

I've seen so many decks, but none that really portrayed cats as the beautiful, elegant, mystical creatures they are. They certainly can be amusing, fussy, primal (for anyone who has found small animal or bird parts in their home after their cat has been off a'hunting) and so many things, but at their core, I find them such interesting, magical creatures and would like a deck that reflected that.