Does these cards mean "rape"?


10 Swords and Empress...victimization of womanhood?

The cards don't mean the exact same thing to each of us of course. But not to me anyway.

The 10 of Swords to me is about something that you can't stop thinking about and can't get it off your mind, that song that gets stuck in your head and keeps going round or just almost obsessively thinking about something and can't get it off your mind. As soon as you have time to think again there it is.

Now if a rape is premeditated, there could be an association with that kind of thinking,. BUT The Empress negates that for me. It's about kindness and caring and wanting to be good to the person and take good care of them. Even to protect them from harm, And I cannot associate that with rape in any way at all.

To me they are a positive enough pair. Someone realizing and thinking a lot about how much they care about the other and how much they want to be good and caring to them, Maybe on their mind a lot as the situation and relationship is new. Could be a stalker kind of thing, but it would very very rarely mean that to me. Just like Death rarely means real Death, it would rarely have that negative meaning for me.

So to me, my answer is no. I personally would not see it as rape.

Maybe if you had the 10 of Swords with The Devil. As the Devil is about being tempted to do something you shouldn't and that is not acceptable. And also about just sex with no love or feelings or caring attached to it. So that combination could potentially be for me.



I had 10 of swords when doing a reading on someone who was beaten to death (along with 8 of swords, 5 of pentacles and 5 of swords, 8 of wands and queen of pentacles) in a 6 card answer spread. 10 of swords can mean violence, so I am sure that combined with empress it could mean rape as empress is the representative of the feminine and 10 of swords is violence against the feminine. I think there are always many combos that can describe "rape" or other things depending on the underlying REAL nature of the thing.

*Updated* I mean to say it can mean the rape:

a) if your first gut feeling gave you that idea.
b) it depends on the type of rape as every case is circumstantial.
c) it depends on the context. Maybe you had some clues already when doing a reading, so they might help.

I had Empress-6 of Pentacles -Ace of Cups as SEX combination. But these showed up maybe because it was a married (empress) sex, 6 of pentacles (as a duty rather than fun) and the ace of cups could indicate "at home". So The Empress for me is the card that appears as "to have sex", cards that come with it may provide the insights to "what kind of?" The 10 of Swords is a violence card, it's knocking someone down on the floor and making sure they can't get up. This might be planned and "sure" because no one would stab someone in the back 10 times by an accident. Conclusion: the combination is believable according to my understanding.


No. I think the artist got carried away by the negativity of the 10 of Swords. It indicates ruin of some sort (usually mental) for someone. If anyone is contemplating rape, my bet would be that the Empress, who represents womanhood in all its strength and glory, is more than capable of taking care of herself. I would not want to be in the shoes of the would-be rapist if he made a move in that direction.


This was for a romantic relationship. So I thought it had to deal with date rape.

A romantic situation, by definition is about as far away from any kind of rape as imaginable. So if the question was a romantic one, rape isn't the answer. If rape is the answer, the situation wasn't romantic.

It makes as much sense as saying: "This was for a chicken situation, so I thought it had to deal with sodium hydroxide." They are just not related in any way.


How about: "Will not go there, turn into a romance", (10 swords), because he has another woman/interest (Empress).
If it refers to something bad happening in the past (a man being unfaithful to her causing her a lot of pain), I can also imagine that she is driving herself mad with thinking this will happen again (being left for someone else).

For rape I would expect to see the five of swords present.

Just some thoughts :)