Dreaming with the tarot cards & psychic bonds?


I'm in Oz so time differences may come into play here a little but I'm sure we can work that out somehow :)
I shall take the Knight of Swords to bed tonight (oooo that'll make 2 of them as I consider my SO as the KnoS LOL :laugh:) bed for me is about 6-7 hrs away but I can post first thing in the morning :)
I will take from my Hanson Roberts, as that is the deck I'm working with at the moment :)


Interesting, I tried it with my first deck because the book said to, but didn't get anything.
However, I was just trying to figure where to post an odd thing, different but tangentially related to the notion of tarot in bed. See, sometimes I get pretty strong feelings from inanimate objects, and my Archeon deck that I got in trade recently just "told" me pretty firmly NOT to take it into my bedroom, where the cabinet containing my other decks is. Apparently it's going to stay in the livingroom, at least for the time being.

OTOH, the Froud Faeries seem to want to be read directly ON the bed, not anywhere else, nor with a reading cloth...

Am I going nuts, or do other people have this kind of thing happen?

mystic mal

Slept all knight (scuse the pun)

Well I put the Knight under my pillow last night And I vaguely remember having a dream but not what it was about,but, I know my ex husband of 35 years ago was in it and I left him because he was very violent and the Knight does bring conflict and disruption so that for starters was good enough for me.


I used my Victoria Regina deck and had the King of Coins and The Magician on my bedside cabinet - (Centaur - I hope you're proud of me!) - and the dream I remember was in colour about vampires.

I read a lot of vampire books and in this dream we were in an old wooden building (the past?) and I was trapped in there with some good vampires who were trying to keep away from the rays of the sun as it rose.

I was being protected from vampires by vampires and I have no idea how it all ended.

I'll try the same two cards again tonight.


IndigoWonders said:
Funny you should post this. I pre-ordered a book called Dreaming With Tarot: Using Tarot Card To Invoke Your Dreams just last week. It's due out at the end of the month. The description is: Combining the interpretative power of dream discernment and tarot-card reading, the techniques introduced in this book harness these two cosmic powers to deepen and channel dreams. Instructions are provided on how to read and apply the 78 tarot cards to dreams, "order" dreams using tarot cards, and interpret and influence dreams. These suggestions will help readers heighten their awareness of the psychic world and affect their futures by harnessing the power of dreams.

Hi IndigoWonders,

I just tried to order the book at Borders and they can't order it. Where did you pre-order yours from?


Well I put the Knight of Swords from my Celtic Dragon deck under my pillow.
I don't remember too much except that I was entering a place that I had never been to before. It was dark and mistyI remember there were some people there. Why I was there I have no idea. Maybe tonight Ill find out more. I will put him back under my pillow.


Well, I'm back with news on that Knight of Swords under my pillow. I had one of the WORST nights sleep I've had in a while. I mean, I was exhausted when I went to sleep (it was about 3 am) and thus I should've slept like a baby as I normally do. But last night all I could do was toss and turn. But the funny thing is I can recall 3 dreams- which never happens. Of course one of my dreams consisted of creasing my cards, but the other two I was either upset or disappointed greatly.

I'm quite partial to this knight so I'm a little upset that I didn't actually enjoy my sleep. I think I'm going to try this with something more peaceful like The Star or something. After last nights sleep, I want some peaceful energy!


I didn't even get to sleep with my Knight of Swords!

My furnace went out (and it was around 30 degrees F. here), so I spent half the night awaiting the serviceman (who finally left about 3:00 am.) So, then, I forgot all about placing a card under my pillow.

Hey, wait a minute. Maybe that repairman WAS my K of S! Hmmmm. ? :)

Barbaras Ahajusts

Oh boy..can I dream or what???

Prince of Swords & My dream

I wanted to know what this card ment concerning a person thoughts in the position it had fallen, in a reading. I was very curious.

In this dream I was driving around at times and other times I was a simple observer on the side of a piticular "scene."

I'm not sure who all was with me be it driving or standing about, but I got the feeling a guide was one of them, and the person I was inquring about was there, although he was in a dazed state of mind. It was as if he could see and hear what everyone did, but he didn't know this was more than an odd dream for him. I've never seen this happen before, with such clarity.

From the cast of "Friends", Chandler played a key link to what my Prince of Swords means. This link, to only show the young man, is http://www.livesinabox.com/friends/

The first time I saw Chandler walk acrossed a road, I slowly realised that he had many things going on, and it had to do with cows, milking, all the details in running this business. He was going back and forth from a small brick building, acrossed the road to a larger brick building that, I do believe, had cows and other animals in it. (Lots of work going on over there.) Chandler was swirling something around in a test tube not paying any attention to those of us watching him from the side of the road.
When he did reach the middle, something made him stop, and he looked up at us with a strange curiosity, then went back to crossing the road. He was so throughly engrossed with what he had to change, repair, or re-arrange. We didn't intrest him one bit. Facinating. As I had thought we made a strange group, to look at. Go figure?! ;)

The dream went on as a mans voice droned on and one giving me one example after another. The main gest was to understand that each person takes their own path. In this path, they can change directions. While heading towards this new direction they will need to update the original plans they had made. Everything is connected and in that train of thought, this is why nothing can stay the exact way it is for any length of time.
UNLESS, the people are bored and want to live in a rut. Its the movers and shakers that keep everything rattled and shaken for the majority of people.

As the dream continues with me as a participant, my group are all in a car driving toward this area again but from another direction. I swear John Travolta, Nicolas Cage and of course the person that this dream is being represented by the Prince of Swords, is there. He is more so waking up at this point. (The represented one:eek: )
Someone whom isn't real is driving the car and this doesn't bother me as much as there goes Chandler walking acrossed the damn road again, figuring something out and not paying attention to where he is or our car is coming at him, rather quickly.

I hear the voice, again, going on and on and on about how this too must happen. *GRRRRR...I just want Chandler out of the road and the represented one to wake up and notice me! No such luck, though!

Chandler looks up and smiles as he stops in his tracks. Everything becomes slow motion from this point on.

My represented one understands something, (almost like waking up) he is up and out of the car. He is walking away into the woods or field..I'm not sure, as it was getting dark.

That smile on Chandler face is awesome. So beautiful. I don't have a damn clue, at this point what the answer is, but I'm mesmorised that the car is driving through this area where we see him smiling, like he is invisible. I can't turn to see the represented one anymore. I just know he is gone from sight.

The voice, which I now think is a zombie or a bad makeup job, is speaking again, telling me these last few statements.

"Letting those who work within themselves, is highly crucial energy in the unfolding. You cannot force them to change. This is who they are. Let them have their work area, the space they need. Leave them be."
*He smiles for me and I'm aware he is ghostly)
"Let the future unfold as it is ,and or was, created."

Humph. This dream was in color, except for the forrest, the sky, field and the car itself. John and Nicolas were only observers. Witnesses if you will.

I told you my dreams are freaken strange! Oh yeah..I wasn't naked this time!



silverwings94 said:
Hi IndigoWonders,

I just tried to order the book at Borders and they can't order it. Where did you pre-order yours from?

I ordered the book from Overstock.com. They have terrific prices on all kinds of books and decks. Just try searching "tarot". Amazon has it as well.