Tarot Kurmay


I waited a month and then notified Paypal. Paypal pulled the payment which got their attention. I got an email from them stating that the deck was in the mail and would I please end the dispute procedure. I will--when I get the deck.


I feel very guilty now for enabling everyone on the deck. It is magical , but i never knew that you guys would encounter such problems... sorry. :(


Hey mdr - not your fault at all :) You didn't know - how could you? And despite all the problems I am still delighted to be getting a lovely deck.

My only slight worry is if it doesn't come within two weeks, that will make six weeks from when I paid - will I have run out of my paypal time to charge back if the deck doesn't actually come at all?


mdr, not your fault at all. Some have had good experiences with the company. Others haven't. I believe those of us who paid through PayPal have 45 days to file a complaint. I'd hate to have to go that route to get an update from the company, but I will. I'd already written off the deck as never being in my collection before finding this vendor, so if it never makes it to my collection, I won't be heartbroken.



Check your Spam folder in your email account. After sending a strongly-worded email to the company, I found my update in Spam.... So I just sent an apology email... :|


strings of life

I must be the only one who had a good experience, granted the deck still has to get here. There was a timeframe indicated for those of us in the US, so its on schedule as far as I am concerned. The email notifiication even had a copy of my receipt too.

Likewise, this was the only site that I found (thanks to this lovely place) that had these for sale, for a good price, and had a product description that I could actually read.

I am pretty sure that PayPal will only issue refunds within 45 days, so I can see the cause for concern.

Whoever gets it first, make sure to let us know!


OK. Strangeness abounds. The deck arrived today. :bugeyed:

Looking at the postmark, it was shipped AirMail from England on 23 Mar, my shipping acknowledgment email was sent on 28 Mar and the deck arrived today, 29 Mar.

The set is a study in contrasts, I must say. The shipping box was a beat-up fresh fish box wrapped in brown paper. It was stuffed with bubble wrap, grocery bags (including a receipt) and flexible corrugated cardboard. Inside of all that was a beautiful (and fragrant) wooden box inlaid with the cover design of the deck and a bookmark that has images from the deck.

Opening the box, I find a very nice quality companion book of 179 numbered pages in Turkish. Then I get to the cards. They're held together with a rubber band. I'm guessing the cards were punched out of a larger sheet because they have the little nubbies on top, bottom and sides. The cards are of fairly thin quality, but they're laminated and will probably hold up to shuffling. The cards were in no order though.

And putting them in order, I find that although I have 78 cards, I have duplicate 10 Wands and Knight Pentacles and no 10 Cups and Knight Cups. UGH. Additionally, there are lamination issues with a few of the cards. Instead of being completely smooth 2 of the cards have rough areas where the laminate didn't completely take to the card. And one card has a speck of something that got laminated onto it. I'd deal with the lamination issues if it weren't for the missing cards....



rwcarter said:
OK. Strangeness abounds. The deck arrived today. :bugeyed:
Yay!!! Btw, i just pm-ed you a reading - without seeing this post, where i had Chariot in position of outcome - and i interpreted it that the deck will be with you soon!
ETA:Oh no!
I was so excited after reading the first couple of sentences, that i missed this part:
rwcarter said:
And putting them in order, I find that although I have 78 cards, I have duplicate 10 Wands and Knight Pentacles and no 10 Cups and Knight Cups. UGH.

strings of life

rwcarter, thanks for letting us know that the deck arrived, although it appears it had some problems :(.

Oh, I hope it will easy to get replacements for the cards; please keep us in the loop. The rest of us should be getting them soon--in some interesting packaging I presume...


Well, if someone gets their deck and they have duplicates of the cards I'm missing, I'll happily trade! :)

I'll keep folks in the loop as to any word I get about replacement cards.
