Tarot: Predictive or something far deeper


I have yet to see a thread that takes this Predictive question to it's extreme.
What I mean is this. What if someone could predict your future in it's totality?
What would that mean for your sense of self? What would it mean for free will?
What would it mean for your personal story of faith and belief? What use would it be? How could you make the most of your life, knowing this was the outcome(whatever) regardless of your imput?
I can understand Teheuti's brothers predicament and the need to have some advice in a predictive way (and follow it). But the reader was giving advice to a possible scenario. He did not go looking for the boat- so he did not get killed, so getting killed was not in the reading- it was not in his future. I was not there, but the reading may well have said- "You will not find the Boat!" and may have continued with the advice about why he did not go and look for it. This would then explain why his future said "You will not find your boat" That is predictive with a counsel to actions to take. That is useful reading. Other than that the reading becomes pure Fortune telling (and there is nothing wrong with that, before anyone jumps down my throat)
You will meet the man of your dreams tomorrow, get married and live happily ever after, have six children, lose all your money in a fire and you, the wife will die before your husband. Now go live your life with that knowledge- you cannot change it as that is your future.
Maybe we should really understand the word Predictive/Prediction.


Rosanne said:
I can understand Teheuti's brothers predicament and the need to have some advice in a predictive way (and follow it). But the reader was giving advice to a possible scenario. He did not go looking for the boat- so he did not get killed, so getting killed was not in the reading- it was not in his future.
There's something called "fuzzy logic" that works with percentages of likelihood and multiple factors to determine when certain actions should take place (among other things).

Similarly, James Ricklef came up with a Yes/No spread with positions that answer:
Yes, if . . .
No, if . . .
Maybe, if . . .

Essentially, the reader (as recounted by my brother-in-law) told him two things:
1) Yes, you will find your boat if you go looking where I tell you, but you'll get killed in the process.

2) If you don't go looking you won't get your boat back, but you will live.

I'm sure that the reader's having known exactly what was in the envelope gave my brother-in-law a great impetus (high probability) for going with option #2.

This seems to me to be much more how life (and most real-life predictions) tend to work.

Even weather predictions are based on a percentage of likelihood given certain factors. Given other, intermediate factors, then another prediction becomes more likely.

Some people think that prediction should be an infallible absolute and others see it as a constantly shifting dynamic. If the former then we want a tool and/or reader that can be "right" the highest percentage of times. If the latter, isn't it more important to work with the dynamics—that, homeopathically speaking, means getting down to the energetic level.



Rosanne said:
What I mean is this. What if someone could predict your future in it's totality?

Maybe we should really understand the word Predictive/Prediction.
Must have been back in the 90’s…

Driving along down the freeway there’s nothing in particular, no anything going on…

Said, “Oh $hit…” and took the foot off the gas because I knew it was gonna happen in front of me.

Car passed on the right. Didn’t see it behind us.

And it happened right in front of us. Nobody died, severed limbs were reattached…

Knowing the future in now way affects free will. I could have kept going and he’d have hit me. I took my foot off the gas so he wouldn’t. Free will had nothing to do with anything…


Rosanne said:
I have yet to see a thread that takes this Predictive question to it's extreme.
What I mean is this. What if someone could predict your future in it's totality?
What would that mean for your sense of self? What would it mean for free will?
What would it mean for your personal story of faith and belief? What use would it be? How could you make the most of your life, knowing this was the outcome(whatever) regardless of your imput?
I can understand Teheuti's brothers predicament and the need to have some advice in a predictive way (and follow it). But the reader was giving advice to a possible scenario. He did not go looking for the boat- so he did not get killed, so getting killed was not in the reading- it was not in his future. I was not there, but the reading may well have said- "You will not find the Boat!" and may have continued with the advice about why he did not go and look for it. This would then explain why his future said "You will not find your boat" That is predictive with a counsel to actions to take. That is useful reading. Other than that the reading becomes pure Fortune telling (and there is nothing wrong with that, before anyone jumps down my throat)
You will meet the man of your dreams tomorrow, get married and live happily ever after, have six children, lose all your money in a fire and you, the wife will die before your husband. Now go live your life with that knowledge- you cannot change it as that is your future.
Maybe we should really understand the word Predictive/Prediction.
How about the multiverse? You stand at a crossroads, you can go left or right. Currently there is a future with you going left, and one of you going right. You take the right road. In another parallel dimension you have taken the left. In yet another one, you turned around and went back to where you came from. In yet another one...etc.

Maybe whatever it is that shows flashes of the future is showing what we continually like to refer to as "likely outcome" from the point at which you stand on the crossroads the moment the reading is performed. If it is performed after you've already taken one step towards the left road, the likelihood is higher that you will head that direction. It doesn't mean you won't stop and instead head right.

Where this goes is beyond where I am currently at this moment willing to expend the brainpower to continue. But it's a new talking point at least.


Hi Mary!
I guess I understand you brother's story as this....
1. Not prediction, as that was not followed- so it was possible scenario.
2. That was prediction as that was what happened.
I bet him finding a person that saw the photo in envelope was the factor, that gave him the confidence of accuracy. The reader gets high points for that!

I think what is meant by 'Prediction' would be better covered by 'Forecast'
Prediction is Achilles- Forecast with 'fuzzy logic' is weather. It is only after the fact (like the bank Robbery or Weather) that we are going to know whether it was 'Forecast' or 'Prediction'. Heidi's cards could have forecast the robbery, but it was not picked up on. Looking back on the cards after the Robbery did not seem to 'Predict' the Robbery.
Which is one of the reasons, why I place less emphasis on the predictive or actual outcome in the future of cards- because in life I think you need to know whether the raincoat or sunhat is more 'likely' to be needed. Cards can tip your scales as to the 'likely' most of the time- but to the 'accurate actual what will occur' is hit and miss at best for me. So I go with likely- and that is where I am successful as a reader. I am a 'It is Possible' reader :D


Rosanne said:
Hi Mary!
I guess I understand you brother's story as this....
1. Not prediction, as that was not followed- so it was possible scenario.

Let me see if I get this right.

When a reader says, "If you do this, then this will happen" - that's a forecast.

If they say "this will happen, whether or not you do anything about it" and then if, and only if, it does happen - then that is a prediction. ???

I had never heard that distinction before.

Here's what the Apple Dictionary has to say about distinguishing among the variations on this theme:

"While all of these words refer to telling something before it happens, predict is the most commonly used and applies to the widest variety of situations. It can mean anything from hazarding a guess :) they predicted he'd never survive the year) to making an astute inference based on facts or statistical evidence :) predict that the Republicans would win the election).
When a meteorologist tells us whether it will rain or snow tomorrow, he or she is said to forecast the weather, a word that means predict but is used particularly in the context of weather and other phenomena that cannot be predicted easily by the general public :) statistics forecast an influx of women into the labor force).
Divine and foreshadow mean to suggest the future rather than to predict it, especially by giving or evaluating subtle hints or clues. To divine something is to perceive it through intuition or insight :) to divine in the current economic situation the disaster that lay ahead), while foreshadow can apply to anyone or anything that gives an indication of what is to come :) her abrupt departure that night foreshadowed the breakdown in their relationship).
Foretell, like foreshadow, can refer to the clue rather than the person who gives it and is often used in reference to the past :) evidence that foretold the young girl's violent end).
Augur means to foreshadow a favorable or unfavorable outcome for something :) the turnout on opening night augured well for the play's success).
Prophesy connotes either inspired or mystical knowledge of the future and suggests more authoritative wisdom than augur :) a baseball fan for decades, he prophesied the young batter's rise to stardom).
Although anyone who has inside information or knowledge of signs and symptoms can prognosticate, it is usually a doctor who does so by looking at the symptoms of a disease to predict its future outcome.


There is so much here in posts to consider but I will go with this.
Sitter asks "I am going on holiday on a ship cruise to New York, I would like to know how this will turnout?" (you can see where this is going LOL)
Reader looks at the cards and says "A holiday is a good thing for you at the moment- there is a lot of personal stress showing up in the cards- and a cruise is a stress free holiday. So I forecastthat if you go on this cruise the outcome will have many benefits. I predict though if you choose the liner 'Titanic' the outcome will be bad- you will be saved- but it will not be stress free"
Now the sitter looks at the cards, listens to the reading, either trusts the prediction part or not and having freewill chooses..................
A ships cruise.


Rosanne -

I think I see where you are going with this but it's not how I use these words.

Futhermore, shouldn't a reader who can accurately predict that the Titanic will go down also be able to predict that the querent will sail on the Titanic or not?



It is strange how the same word has different meanings to each of us- that is why I said earlier I think we should know what is meant by 'Prediction' I take the sibyls all those thousands of years ago as Prediction -meaning I know your fate.
I have always known when I have actually predicted accurately what the choice was- it was inherent in the prediction. I would place money on your brothers reading that the reader knew he would not go look for the boat in the Everglades. That is regardless of apparently what he might do. This is how I know when I am predicting- I just know. That certainty of knowing for sure is not often. Not often enough to be the source of all my readings; certainly not enough to force the sitter to take a particular action or the use of trying to change it (The Fate/Prediction bit)
Some years ago a little boy came with his mother to stay with their friends across the road. I was reading some cards for myself out in the garden and I looked at the boy and then looked down at the cards- I saw the boy living and grown up across the road with my neighbours. Very clearly, very distinctly and very off the wall. I told my daughter about the vision and we discussed the cards and then it was dismissed. That boy has been adopted by my neighbours as his mother died unexpectedly from cancer and had no family or husband- just her best friends. He is now 13 years old, doing very well- I saw him at age 8. That to me, was one of my most accurate predictions- that I only prove was accurate some years later. I had proof, because of the discussion with my daughter- but I knew it was accurate at the time- even though weird. We have a great relationship and he seems to know somehow there is this connection- like he knows I know or knew.


Rosanne said:
It is strange how the same word has different meanings to each of us- that is why I said earlier I think we should know what is meant by 'Prediction' I take the sibyls all those thousands of years ago as Prediction -meaning I know your fate.
Some years ago a little boy came with his mother to stay with their friends across the road. I was reading some cards for myself out in the garden and I looked at the boy and then looked down at the cards- I saw the boy living and grown up across the road with my neighbours. Very clearly, very distinctly and very off the wall. I told my daughter about the vision and we discussed the cards and then it was dismissed. That boy has been adopted by my neighbours as his mother died unexpectedly from cancer and had no family or husband- just her best friends. He is now 13 years old, doing very well- I saw him at age 8. That to me, was one of my most accurate predictions- that I only prove was accurate some years later. I had proof, because of the discussion with my daughter- but I knew it was accurate at the time- even though weird. We have a great relationship and he seems to know somehow there is this connection- like he knows I know or knew.

Perdition/Fate/Truth -- There are times when I have one of my solid "hunches" [call them what you will] very similar to what you describe.
