The card on the bottom of the deck?


I also read the bottom card in just about every reading...I call it the "under it all" card, it usually sums up the essence of the reading in one card, much like a one card reading would.


Thank you all. I am going to start trying this!


wow :bugeyed: this is a revelation. I never knew this was an accepted practice. I've been doing this on my own for quite awhile. I thought this was just me.
I remember finishing a reading and catching a glimpse of the bottom card as I was putting the deck back in the box thinking..........ah ha :lightbulb:
and I've done this on and off ever since. I just never never let anyone know.
too embarassed :shhh:


This is so funny. Me Too! ANd I'd never read about it either! It's like the common practice that everybody thought was their own little secret! I like the more interesting names I can choose from -- 'cause I always just called it the "Bottom Card". It's because I couldn't not help to see it.

Incidentally, on a technical note, if you cut the deck before you draw, it's the card right on top of the first card of the reading. So it's like the "zeroth" card in a way...

Indigo Rose

I have recently started using this method, as well. I look at the bottom card as what is hidden or just beneath the surface of the issue. It seems to be working fairly well so far, so I plan to continue using it in my readings. :)


star-lover said:
the bottom card is the bottom line ie basis/purpose for the reading in the first place and what is the real deal about it all

This is how I use it as well. I call it the Base Card. I approach it with the intention that it will give me insight into why the querent is seeking the reading. It seems to work very well for me.

I also agree with Lyric that the card can be used for any purpose (as many posters view it with different intensions). As long as the deck knows what you expect of it, that's what it will provide for YOU.



Its something I've never done. I have to admit I use 16 cards in my spread and if I feel theres more to know I do turn over the next card or cards but I've never looked at the bottom card.

I think i'll try this on my next reading.

Al Si'ra


I didn't know that such a method existed..but i noticed it on my own :) and i am proud lol..

it happened 6 months ago or so..i noticed that when i began asking the question in my mind and began shuffling at the same time..some cards were catching my attention and seemed so relevant to my question..even when shuffling! and when i cut the cards the card at the bottom of the deck would catch my attention a lot and i noticed that they were an answer to my question as well..that is how i began to use the bottom cards and the cards which catch my attention while shuffling is always goes to the notebook as a note :)



This is something I've done, too- and had never heard of anyone else doing it, either! How very odd that so many of us do this; it seems to be almost instinctive, doesn't it?
When the client draws the cards and hands the deck back to me, I turn it over enough for me to see the bottom card and note what's there- it sort of gives me an overall 'flavour' of the reading... sometimes what is the really root of the situation.

I don't remember when I started doing it- it just seemed natural to check.



I have always called and known this card as the Base Card - it is the basis or the springboard for the reading for the client, and for the reader - it is (IMHO) where the reading starts.

After cutting the deck, I can define the underlying 'obvious' relationship the reading has to the querant (on an emotional level) as to why the cards are being read.

I use this card to clarify the question card - prior to any cards being laid or seeing any further cards from the deck. This is where the Suit, the number of the card - the astrological associations and much of the Symbolism meanings can really shine. It is very important card once you intergradte it into the reading.

There are many threads showing the use of the Base card - many people read with them.

You can also read the cards backwards from the Base card. Look at the next three or four cards - until you get to a Major card. There is a story there, and it has to do with expantion of the inital Base card. I usually dont use any more than 7 cards here (for some reason I run into a Major before then) - as the reading can go off on another tangent - but its an interesting addition and reflection to the reading before the main spread is drawn and interpreted.

The 'Shadow' card has a slightly different way of calculating and interpreting.

Blessings Elven x