The Lovers and the two of Cups

White Oleander

I did a couple readings on myself almost a year ago now, and they all said I would fall in love. And this sparked the iamge of a girl I liked at the time and in love with now, but something else popped in my head as well; it doesn't mean it will be returned and sure enough it wasn't. and this happened almost 6 months afterwards. So I say go with your first reactions, they're the truest feelings you could have toward something because you don't have time to think anything else.


White Oleander: Welcome back!! You have expressed it well & I agree with you whole-heartedly!

Major Tom

Paul Foster Case ascribes the Hebrew letter Zain to The Lovers. Zain means sword or weapon. A sword cleaves, divides or separates. To paraphrase his interpretation - the man and the woman on the card represent the concious and subconcious. It is the response of the interpreting subconcious to the observing self-conciousness that peoples the thought-world with ideas. It's constructive operation depends on the discriminative exercise of self-concious powers. You could say the lesson of the card is for the concious mind to chose to work with the subconcious mind for spiritual evolution.


Since I am so new to Tarot interpretations, I always assume the face value of the Lovers to imply a happy, loving relationship, and I forget about the choice aspect. I'll try harder to remember that a choice is being presented with this card! As for the two of cups, I was assuming their cups were empty, and that their future friendship/relationship was going to fill their cups, with shared ideas, experiences, etc. It was more of a beginning card. I would like to have the two cards come up for me in a reading, now that I have all of these new viewpoints to add to my own outlook! Thanks to everyone, Jeanette


Love the various interpretations!!!! It's mind-expanding! So I thought I'd through in my 2 cents. If I get the Lovers card very often then I know that I'm integrating healthier male/female archetypes within my psyche and achieving a saner balance in my energies. The 2 of cups, seeing as their is the lack of a real live love in your life would also suggest that you are anchoring these energies in emotionally satisfying ways on our very mundane practical physical plane. And there you have it - my 2 cents.

Major Tom

deso (11 Sep, 2001 13:02):
Love the various interpretations!!!! It's mind-expanding! So I thought I'd through in my 2 cents.

I challenge the value you place on your contribution - but I want to echo your sentiment }>

I nominate this thread a keeper }>

Surely everyone should contribute their 2-bits worth at least? }> The wisdom assembled in this community is awesome }>


Hi all.
I found this thread by searching for another one, and it's truly many great interpretations here. It has certainly helped my understanding of both cards!

I think the surrounding cards have much influence on the Lovers & Two of Cups meanings, so I won't assign a specific interpretation to them here. And all this new input has to sink in first! :D

I bumped this thread up since I find it so helpful in understanding these cards. I would also like to know if any has more input to the lion being on the Two of Cups?



Waites no freakin help :)

heres what the Pictorial Key says

A youth and maiden are pledging one another, and above their cups rises the Caduceus of Hermes, between the great wings of which there appears a lion's head. It is a variant of a sign which is found in a few old examples of this card. Some curious emblematical meanings are attached to it, but they do not concern us in this place.

Thanks alot Waite lol



Re: Waites no freakin help :)

Originally posted by Liliana
Some curious emblematical meanings are attached to it, but they do not concern us in this place.

*lol* "They do not concern us..."! Hello!! What about us ever-curious people who can't get a good nights sleep until we know!?! I WANT TO KNOW!! :D *pout* Help? :rolleyes:



aeonx said:

*lol* "They do not concern us..."! Hello!! What about us ever-curious people who can't get a good nights sleep until we know!?! I WANT TO KNOW!! :D *pout* Help? :rolleyes:


I second Aeonx's pled. Tell us the rest, please?!...