The Lovers and the two of Cups


When la_dama_de_noche wrote, in response to Talisman, that she 'would appreciate a little more discussion about the subject...', I presume she referred to both the original question of the thread, as well as her own post.

The former has been really well catered with all the wonderful contributions made by so many. So if I may, let me add a little contribution which, though it touches on the original thread, mainly addresses the deepening contributions made on page 2 by la_dama_de_noche, in my case, by l'uome_del_die (to mix languages). For shortness of typing, I hope la_dama_de_noche does not mind if I hereafter use an abbreviation, well accepted in Kabbalistic tradition, of her name: 'LDDN' (and hope that the abbreviation of my own appropriated new name for the occasion will be neither expanded nor reversed).

The study of the Tarot of Marseilles is, in my opinion, and in seeming concurrence with LDDN, so important that I consider it essential for a deeper appreciation of the wonderful diversity of Tarot.

Independently of the Tarot, I also consider that Kabbalistic study is important, and can lead to insights which, as with any insights, apply beyond its own frame of inquiry. As spiritual tools, they each point to regions which may, without guidance provided by these, lead to abysses without these guiding lights of re-ascent.

The three-fold aspect of each card is, I agree, of immeasurable importance. As with the opening of the Sefer Yezirah, in which we are reminded that Yah created with Number, Sound and Form, each card (of the Major Arcana) has a number-sense (though I don't consider the Fool to be zero, this does not mean it doesn't have a number-sense), a name (which is sounded, ie, spoken - even XIII Death), and a form or image.

LDDN mentions the sequence of Active, Passive, and Equilibrium. A similar notion is also noted by, amongst others, Paul F. Case (or by the Order he founded, BOTA - I just cannot remember which at the moment) - the Hegelian notion of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

The sequence, repeatedly applied as suggested by LDDN, brings to light certain relations between the cards, as any system worthy of investigation does. The same process, reversed, also leads to such. For example, one can begin with equilibrium, move to passivity, and henceforth to activity. In such a case, VI becomes the active principle in (the second set, hence) receptivity: a wonderful depiction of unconditional - or true - Love, in which one flows into (active) the other, accepted for all their wonderful attributes.

In this, the very act of marriage and its consumation can very well be represented, for love is both fully active, yet cannot contain antipathy, and so is receptive, or, in other words, in sympathy (in the older sense, now probably more commonly referred to as empathy). Of course, the depiction, as well as the title (in both its singular and plural translated form), reflect this quality.

As well as the namers of this card possibly making some kind of pun, as described by LDDN, are they not also focussing on the need for the three-foldness of Love, decision, and engagement? By what other means could this be represented?

Having said this, I also refer everyone to comments made on this card by others and myself in the Marseilles study group - discussions which LDDN and others are eagerly awaited as further co-contributors!

LDDN finishes her post with what I can only echoe, without paraphrasing: meditate the cards given as illuminating the situation - which includes your wishes, aspirations, and feelings of self-worth. With the light of your imagination giving life to the cards, allow them to radiate clarity on these. As LDDN says, 'love comes when we are relaxed' - for only then can we both find that inner activity and be receptive to the gifts of the other.

Let me finish this post by also commenting directly, but briefly, on the first of this thread. The two of Cups in the future position indicates that a balance of emotion may be called for in a decision (VI) in which engagement of your whole being may be at play - this may very well involve a relationship, but it could just as well indicate that an important life-engagement of another sort is indicated.



This thread was started in August of 2001, by Marion (thank you Marion)......

It is well worth reading again and again......

I 'bumped' it for educational :) purposes.....



arizonagirl When I saw the 2 of Cups in the final position said:
That is very interesting, my perosnal interpretiaon of pentacles in certain readings is the Hearldic Seals that are used as government symbols, especially if the reading is in regards to law issues. Wands woudl be flagpoles. Now as for swords, how about 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' Cups is the suit tha tbecomes more personal and reflects the emotioanl state in the reading. No the most universal translation, but effective nonethe less.

the two of cups can be interpreted as a 'trust in authority to do the right thing.' a constant absence or reversal of this card indicates problems in relating to one another, possibly due to a glass ceiling.


Mojo said:
The message here is that we have to choose between what we really want and what is supposedly "good" for us.

You know, The Lovers keeps coming up for me tonight, no matter what I do or how many times I shuffle and try to make the reading be for the other people in the games forum practice threads, and I'm thinking it's got to be a really strong, important message for me all of a sudden. And this kind of interpretation also ties well with the part of an old movie I happened to catch on TV last night---which seems like it's a kind of synchronicity/message thing, too, because I almost never watch TV and even less often watch movies, especially not ones that aren't funny. It's not even entirely clear to me yet what this is I'm going to have to choose, but that sentence there is what's really jumping out at me about all of this...So...*sighs and tries to remember to breathe*


Just seen this! Alta - please tell us, did you meet someone? :D