Which card are you in love with?


I love the Moon but The Magician is cool, too!


For me, it depends on the deck. For example, I'm partial to the Hermit in many decks (e.g. BBC, Maroon, and Gaian) but not in others. And I absolutely adore the Deviant Moon Ace of Cups and the Legacy of the Divine Ace of Swords.

Dancing Bear

Cernunnos in my Druidcraft deck..
He has the most profound and revelant message for our times.
He is truly the Forest God.


My number-one most relevant and awe-inspiring Major in any deck or context is Temperance.

But if I'm using the (beautiful) Blue Moon Tarot, I just cannot get past that Emperor . . . *drool*

\m/ Kat


Ever since I got revelations (a couple years ago when I first got in to tarot) I have been drawn to the Star, it's by far my favourite card in that deck as well as some others, and is often a "defining" card when I'm looking at potential decks


thorhammer said:
But if I'm using the (beautiful) Blue Moon Tarot, I just cannot get past that Emperor . . . *drool*

\m/ Kat
behave lol! I wouldn't say i have an exact favourite, but the card im inexplicably drawn to would be the Fool from the RW. Or the Tower from the Crows magick. Both just touch something at the back of my mind.


I am partial to KnightS of Swords in different decks, viz Ciro's babies:love:
and other decks. Tis both a love and nemisis that card.

The Empress, The Chariot are other favs.:love:


Depends on the deck.

Hanson-Roberts: the Star!
Robin Wood: the Pages, especially Cups
Morgan Greer: the 3 of Cups
Arthurian/Hallowquest: the Emperor (Arthur himself)

That's all, off the top of my head. I'd have to haul out the other decks and actually look, and we're going out in a few minutes.

In concept: either the High Priestess or the Empress, depending on how I feel that day.


So many answers!

If you mean 'fancy', then the VR Emperor is moody, splendid & sexy. As are Knights of Wands - yum!- but they can be a bit superficial, selfish & egotistical.

In Tarot, as in life, I find myself v attracted to most Knights & Kings of Swords. Intellectuals, even 'geeks', profs (What's between the ears does it for me every time.) But ditto.

Now, in a completely different (deeper?) way, I seek out & LOVE the Star, the HP and the Hermit.

I feel in awe of & yet protective towards the Fool at the same time ... sad for the suffering & betrayal of all that fresh, young, hopeful innocence that needs must happen before his attainment of Wisdom ... like my own dear son just setting out on this life's Adventure & great Quest ... like Peridur/Parcival. (Getting tearful now.)


Robin Wood deck: the Star card