Which card are you in love with?

diane drizzy

The Hermit. He is the minimalist in me. I think I was him in another life.


For me, to buy a deck, the Moon and the Empress need to be gorgeous or appeal to me in someway :D I have a tendency to adore pregnant Empresses and colorful Moons :b


Rosanne said:
Ain't in love with painted card, but I think my favourite card is the Sun from the Medieval Scapini in particular and in general I like the Knights- not sure about them if they are not on Horses. Must have a thing about Horses. I like Ace of Cups as well.

Sweet Sun, R!
WAY to attach an image.
I'm way way way in love with this particular ace of disks...



  • ace.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 69


OrbWeaver said:
I'm rather fond of the Death card, regardless of which deck it is from. However, I am partial to the Death card from the Gilded Tarot, if only because he's riding Binky.*

*if you get that reference, you win at life.

Is he really?? I'll have to look at that one again... :D


In my Robin Wood deck, I rather like the Death card; the Ace of Pentacles is also very nice. In fact, there are lots of nice cards in this deck.


I'm definately drawn to Strength; but the card I most look forward to in a new deck is Death, it varies so much from deck to deck and helps to give a feel for the deck as a whole.

Atticus Sage

My absolute favorite card, regardless of the deck, is The Star. It's just a wonderful card :)

A couple of other particular-to-deck favorites are:

The Hanged Man from Legacy of the Divine
The Sun from Legacy of the Divine
The Three of Swords from Legacy of the Divine
Judgment from the Gilded
The Five of Cups from the Deviant Moon
The Ten of Swords from the Deviant Moon


Tansey Ella

Toss up between the 9 of Wands from the " Color your own Tarot" and The Emperor.
the 9 of wands shows someone with their back to the wall- a place I have lived most of my life.
the Emperor ( favorite is from the Rohrig)b/c it represents someone I deeply cared for.


Rigth now i am in love with the moon in the touchstone tarot.


The Moon and The Star in pretty much any deck. I am amost always drawn towards those two, although the HP in the Archeon Tarot is quite amazing.