Which card are you in love with?


I like the Fool, but Empress and Knight of Cups strike resonance with me.


I have different favourites in different decks.


The Magician and the Knight of Swords.


The Moon. It seems to come up fairly consistently as my favourite card (or one of my favourites) in just about all of my decks.

ETA: The Queen and Eight of Cups also tend to be consitent favourites in most decks as well.


Gosh, ya'll are making me miss my cards so bad...

I think the Devil of the Gilded is totally sexy. Makes ya just want to crawl right up in the card with him. LOL!

I also like the King of Pentacles in my RW, unless it's the URW, didn't have a box, so I'm not really sure which it is, but the one I generally use (it has the white and blue vertical stripes on the back).
That King just looks so huggable, more so than any of the others, he just looks like a guy who has no problem sharing...

There is something about the Knight of Swords, that the others don't have...

Temperance is a card that shows up all the time, so I do search her/him out of every deck just to take a peek before using.

The 6 of Coins, the 9 of Cups, both look to me like really cool fellows

And because he makes me think of my father, the 4 of Coins...

I don't necessarily love a particular card, but they do stand out to me...


Druidcraft Ace of swords

The one card i have fallen in love with as of late is the Ace of swords from the Druidcraft! The imagery as well as the overall meaning of the card really appeals to me.


stormdancer339 said:
9 of Pents for me....I want to BE her...LOL

I hear ya, sister! I love most 9P cards, and even in other decks - Thoth is one that I really get, MerryDay is wonderful . . . it's a great card. So much possibility in it.

\m/ Kat



Change is always good :) well...


The Knight of Cups... because this card represents me. I can really identify with him.

The High Priestess, because I want to someday be like her.

I also love the Hermit, because he seems old and wise. My own grandfathers died when I was very young, so I missed out on something, I think. To me, the Hermit sort of takes their place in my life, and I am always delighted when he shows up, and willing to accept his teachings.

In the Medieval Cat Tarot, I am also very drawn towards Death, mostly because of the imagery on the card. There is death, looking scary with his huge scythe, but he is standing on a mound of healthy green grass, and is surrounded by butterflies. This card is the one that helped me decide to get this deck, and I am really happy with the deck as a whole.