bach flower remedies


yes, i suppose that might be the same thing, not sure though.
and, nei you can use for asking what your dog needs, or someone else, not only for yourself.
is that with biokinesiology as well?



then maybe nei is just the dutch equivalent for kinesiology.



I use bach flowers in my treat as reflexologist.

Truthsayer: as mentioned here already one of the reasons for why the remedy didnt work for you could be cause it is the wrong one you are taking.

The question about being store bought or personally mixed, I dont understand the question - maybe it is because I can buy personally mixed, store bought bottles here in denmark (?)

Buying one essential bottle with only one remedy in will take a spot on take on the problem, and if you are picking the remedy for your self, it too takes a whole lot of honesty for what the problem is.

If you personalize the mix, you can ad up to 7 remedies and sort of closing in on the problem, a lot cheaper and somewhat easier to get it right.

My exsperience in how you feel when it is working is that you dont. One of the reasons why I use it all the time, its like an invisible hand stirring you in the right direction, and you not feeling any májor or even minor changes emotionally is cause you are directed naturally and in your own pace. (this was more for Diana I guess :) ) Since others see the change, they are working.

Effects and sideeffects with bach is very comprehensible, if they work you get better, stronger, more at ease. If they they dont then that is it, sideeffect is zero.

Biochemical you cant go wrong, overdo or do to less.

I was at a lecture about bach, and the lector had a beautiful way of telling of the mind as a onion.
We only see the top layer, once that is peeled of you get a new layer and a new emotion, when you have gone through all the layers of the onion and reached the innerst layer, then you know the true collour of the problem, the root of what is happening.

Children will have great use of bach when learning to live in our world, dealing with them selves and others. Starting giving bach in early age is like catching the trouble before it grows, my own daugther is now 2 years old and have already been given bach twice with great success.

Hope I added something here :D


oooh, i would love to get those cards diana.

where can i get them, or did you get hem thru your certification course?



where can you get them in europe diana? i am interested in having them as well....
