Chronicles of Destiny Fortune cards readings


Okay sounds good! I wasn't sure if you were just wanting to do a reading with the cards or if we could ask questions lol

My question is.... What do I need to know about how I would like living in another country? Also how may that happen?

Thanks love! :heart:

Where are you now and which country do you have in mind. What prompted you to think about moving?


silvereye are you still taking sitters?

I would like to know if you see me securing the job with company G?

Interviews are in July and I am handing in the application next week so I can give you full update before mid-July, thank you.


silvereye are you still taking sitters?

I would like to know if you see me securing the job with company G?

Interviews are in July and I am handing in the application next week so I can give you full update before mid-July, thank you.

Hi there
should we rephrase this to how you can do best to secure the job offer? Is this the only job you applied for?


Hi there
should we rephrase this to how you can do best to secure the job offer? Is this the only job you applied for?

Yes this is the only job I will be applying for this month.


Where are you now and which country do you have in mind. What prompted you to think about moving?

Nevermind.. thanks anyway!

Brightest Blessings,


Hi there
as you have not suggested any particular choices that you are facing in the course of job search I'm doing a generic story spread for you.

The theme of your job search story is Masquerade, featuring the cards Sinking Ship, Kissed and Book of Destiny.

Are you currently single or attached? I feel the cards are telling you that you do not yet know the reality of the current market opportunities available to you (Masquerade) and it could be more complicated or demanding than you expect. You feel at a lost (Sinking Ship) and you are side tracked on your job search by some current or potential romance (Kissed). The book of Destiny card shows that you have the potential to get the career you want but Acton shapes your Destiny so you need to really get your act together now and prioritise the search if you want to progress further.

Hi there! Part of this resonates, and other parts don't, unfortunately. I do feel at a loss and I'll explain why soon. I think I understand what you mean when you say that I don't know many of the opportunities that are available to me, but not literally. I do know the opportunities I have regarding my degree and what's a good fit for myself and a degree, and I do know what jobs would pertain to my degree. I'm not in a relationship. I've actually been looking for a job since October in the field that I want to work in, which is counseling. So I'm not sure where the romance part fits in because there's no one I'm interested in and finding a job is my top priority. It's just that the qualifications they want, I don't have since I just graduated from grad school and I went straight from high school to college to grad school. So the problem is that I don't have a license, but I need work hours to get the license and no one is willing to offer me supervision. So I applied to jobs below my level and the lack of experience is still a problem because no one wants to train me. So that's my dilemma; basically no one is giving me a chance.

But you're right; the job market is more demanding than I thought. I'm trying to change my game plan right now and see if that would work more in my favor.

So yea, that's the gist of it. I have no idea what the romance part is referring to and that part genuinely confused me since I'm not in a relationship and there's no one I like at all. But some other parts resonated with me to a certain degree.

Also, is Acton the Masquerade card? That part confused me a little as well.

Thanks for the reading! I appreciate it! :)



Are you single of attached at the moment?

The card i have for you are Lady Autumn, Word on Wings, Shore of Trials and then Kissed.

You may hear of the news (Word on Wings) of a distressing nature of someone you know (Shore of Trials) and by offering support you bond with that person which may result in a new romance (kissed) which will happen this autumn (Lady Autumn) (Not necessarily with the person who's in distress but could be through this person )

So watch out for any cries for help around you!

Interesting cards! What deck is this?

I am currently single. It would be nice for change to come my way! I even think these cards could be reflective of myself at the moment and things I'm going through- it would be nice for more camaraderie coming my way as well! Autumn is always representative of transformation for me. And that's a constant message I've been receiving ( verbatim- transformation)

Thanks for the positive reading!! :)

Edit- I thought the chronicle of destiny was the type of spread/read, not cards. But I see now, Thank you!


Yes this is the only job I will be applying for this month.

Hi there,

I did a reading for you. The cards that came up are The Elder, Lady Autumn, The Lightbearer and Rules of the Realm.
I interpret this as meaning to help get this job, you should speak to someone in this field for advice (Elder), fruitful endeavours (Lady Autumn) will follow from someone who offers you assistance with the interview (the Lightbearer) and that person who can help you will be someone from the firm you are applying the position with (Ruler of the Realm). Is there any chance you can speak to someone who is your predecessor on this job or has worked in the field? The information they give you will help you at the interview.


Hi Silvereye!

I'm just letting you know that I don't need the reading any longer. It has been awhile and I already have made up my mind about the question.

Thank you so much anyway, love! {{HUGS}}


I've just thought about it for awhile. US to Europe.

Brightest Blessings,


Are you currently studying or working? Have you explored practically what ways will allow you to move from US to Europe?

The cards drawn are: The Lighthouse, the Shooting Star, Treasure and Alchemy. Lighthouse is the theme and it is a red flag with a warning sign asking you to tread carefully. It will not be easy for you to move from US to Europe, it will be a great shock to you. However, Shooting Star indicates perseverance so if you do want to go it will happen, but you need to put in work into it, this can be read with Alchemy, which says that action shapes your future and great things can happen from something ordinary. You will need to plan your move in small steps. Perhaps acquiring the skill set that will allow you to make a living in Europe. You will find the exposure invaluable though because of the Treasure card. The experience will be something that you will cherish.