Deck of the Dreamers 2010


EthanJamesPetty said:
Which element is causing your hesitation?
Well after I posted, I remembered something and then Alta's post reinforced it - this is the Deck of the Dreamers. So the Magician is probably perfect for such a deck. I was thinking of a Magician in a "normal" deck. Your deck is anything but "normal" and that's a compliment!

"Mad Scientist" is almost there for me. Actually I see him as a "SciFi Mad Scientist" and in the context of the deck you're creating, he is perfect. And he's much less video-game-y than the other two versions on your website.

Now that I can appreciate him within context, I only have two minor quibbles:
  1. He seems to be favoring the Cup and Pentacle over the Wand and Sword
  2. The sword is really indistinct in the image, but I believe it's on the table next to the wand

Don't worry, I'm still loving the deck and have yet to see a card that makes me change my mind about that!



Thanks :)

I agree that he seems to be favoring two of the objects. I almost gave him four arms and decided that it would be too weird even for me. I'll try to find a way to make them all at least look equally important.

As far as the items on the table, I haven't drawn them yet. The way I work is to create a layout with "blobs" and then detail them a section at a time. If you look again now, you'll see that I filled in the details for the cup and his shawl tonight. I actually keep updating it as I'm working each night so people can see how I work (a couple of friends are watching my progress). Tomorrow I will start on the bottom section of the card.


A four-armed Magician?!?!?!? I feel faint.... :D I think that would definitely skew him towards the trickster, and that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Too weird even for you? I don't know about you, but I've had some weird dreams where a four-arm Magician wouldn't even have phased me! :laugh:

Keep up the good work!



Love the High Priestess. Love the shoes. (don't listen to Rodney, they are the pefect shoes for sitting in the ocean, playing with your moon yo-yo.)

This deck is intriguing. Nice work.


Hey! I finally agreed they were probably the perfect shoes! :laugh:



I keep coming in here, thinking of something to say, then wandering off before I say it...

Your original Moon strongly reminds me of the one in Majora's Mask. It really creeps me out! D;

I love the revisions you've done so far and I will be keeping an eye on this deck. :3 (I love how the HP has a "false moon"!)


Love the HP - I like that she is in the water. The deck has a great feel to it. Keep us posted!


With all the shoe-talk I may end up just putting her in moon-spurred cowboy boots!

Thanks for all the kind words - it does keep the motivation going :)

As far as the creepy moon - yeah, it's kind of a demonic looking think to see in the sky. I'll keep elements from it in the revamp, but hopefully less sinister!


Now that has some bite to it! Lots of power in that image, force of will just permeates it. Well done.