Feelings and Pentacles, from lukewarm to non existent ?


Ace of pent- building a solid foundation or a solid baby.
Two of pent- juggling two different women/ making a choice
3of pent- working together to build something solid. Car payment/ house payment.
4 of pent- withholding affection and love because they feel the other party is undeserving
5 of pent- both are suffering due to outside circumstances
Six of pent- a friends with benefits ordeal... One person doing all the giving while the other just takes it.
7 of pent- deciding if the person is worth the investment/ effort
8 of pent- in it to win it. A person willing to start from the bottom and work their way up with a person.. Not giving up on them.
9 of pent- a person who wants but doesn't need you. Everything but the actual commitment.
10 of pent- completion.. For feelings feeling whole. For outcome- ending.

Page of pent- deciding if they want to actually take the initial step
King of pent- solid commitment/ a person who isn't going anywhere..
Queen of pent- a person who wants to take care of physical needs
Knight of pent- stationary man who likes you but moves turtle like

Interesting, thank you...I'll get back to you on these...


So, if you got the Knight of pents in a him towards her question, or what he wants for us, would you think of a physical attraction thing ?.
I'd think he wants something stable, reliable, secure. There's far more chance of him sticking around than say the Knight of Wands!


I'd think he wants something stable, reliable, secure. There's far more chance of him sticking around than say the Knight of Wands!

I don't know, whenever I've had him come up in a love reading where there was no relationship yet, not much happened in practicle terms...the Knight of Wands might not stick around, but at least with him there's a chance of something happening before growing old ...!


I don't know, whenever I've had him come up in a love reading where there was no relationship yet, not much happened in practicle terms...the Knight of Wands might not stick around, but at least with him there's a chance of something happening before growing old ...!
He's appeared several times in readings I've done for others where he was clearly the very boring but secure romantic option versus a much more exciting but fickle lover indicated by some other card.

Still, one's own relationship to the cards (and intent) is the strongest force when using the cards. It's not like there is a single meaning for each card - just tendencies.


He's appeared several times in readings I've done for others where he was clearly the very boring but secure romantic option versus a much more exciting but fickle lover indicated by some other card.

Still, one's own relationship to the cards (and intent) is the strongest force when using the cards. It's not like there is a single meaning for each card - just tendencies.

Certainly I have more trouble relating to pents than to any of the other suits, but my experience of this card in romance has been that of a desperately slow movement, if any at all, in the field of action, to near indifference in feelings...but I can see how in an established relationship he could be the reliable option, if that is all you are looking for...


All the meanings you've listed sound like the attributes the reversed meanings would bring. Every single one almost. Here's what I consider to be the upright meanings with regard to relationships:

Ace--that one I think you pretty much are right on.

Two: Being able to weigh things and take their time---they don't fly off the handle. They're the person who will say, "Now calm down, honey. It's not the end of the world. Let's figure this out together."

Three: 3 people working together on a common goal. This would be good if you got it in regard to a relationship where there was a 3rd family member---let's say a child in a relationship where one of the parties has a child before the relationship began. They'd do "family meeting night" and allow the son or daughter fair say.

Four: This isn't a miser in the sense he's Scrooge. He's someone with good money managing skills and would be the type to "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". A person who could show a partner that to save, wait, make good investments, etc. They're a very good relationship partner because they manage well. This guy isn't going out on payday and blowing his paycheck on sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. He's bringing the pay home (or actually these days, having direct deposit) and he or she level-headedly portioning out the money----so much for savings, food, etc.

Five: this is a person who doesn't run out on you when the going gets rough and that's a very good thing. He's going to help you find a remedy for whatever the ailment is in any sense. He's not going to run out on you if you develop cancer or have an accident that renders you in the position of needing extra help and concern.

Six: He's caring, compassionate and cares about others. He's willing to help those less fortunate but he's also considerate of you in the sense that he'll allow you to use money on things important to you, even if they're not particularly interested in whatever it is.

Seven: This person has worked hard getting things all his ducks in a row and is able to wait patiently for the results. He'd be investing money, for instance, instead of falling for get rich quick schemes.

Eight: Has attention and focus on the things that he/she does at work. And this includes a woman who stays home but works hard at thriftiness.

Nine: This card above all is a fantastically good card in relationships because this person isn't clingy, smothering, or neurotic. They can be happy with themselves and their own pursuits even if the other person isn't there. A good example would be a woman who is with a man who is in the service and is a career man who is gone a lot. Because they have their own interests and activities, they can bring to the relationship the "walk beside me, not in front or behind me" aspect. Very very good in relationships.

Ten: Speaks for itself and it's good.

King: solid, dependable, calm under pressure, whatever you need, he's able to provide it. Sexually, there's that song "I like a man with a slow hand" applies here, and that's another positive.

Knight is a late bloomer. He's everything the King is but he's just still working on it.

Queen: Martha Stewart, hippie momma---very good traits in a woman, but she's also very sensual.

Page: Good student, can focus closely on whatever he's doing----he's not the kid running amok and ricocheting off walls. He's happy just building models or reading books and quiet, scholarly things. He'd be winning at the school's science fair.

When I've said "he" it can be either gender.

Now what's so bad about all that? I think your mind has become set on "negative" in your dealings with this suit. It might be a good thing if you were to examine just why you see all the cards as being negative.


I can't post the whole thing but here's an example of my romance meanings for the RWS Pentacles - used for automated phone tarot readings done for SELF Magazine (pre-apps). Although written over 25 years ago, I can see I've kept some of my early ideas and certain phrases have stuck in my head - interesting!

Eight of Pentacles
This is about working at love, maintaining your relationship, or improving your sexual or romantic skills. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, you are probably repeating the same tedious and boring moves. You could be preparing for a date. Or demonstrating your abilities, like cooking a fancy dinner. You may be trying to impress someone by your diligence and hard work: displaying your bank account and diplomas. Or you are proving your love by concentrating on investments, home improvement, career, and other long-term plans. But all this work could leave little time for romance. On the other hand, this card can be about making conquests and keeping score. At worst, you could be racking up the same mistakes in relationships over and over again. This card can also indicate falling in love with a craftsperson or someone who is devoted to their work. Put your time and efforts into improving your relationship: it will pay off in the long run.

Knight of Pentacles (mostly described as oneself)
An armored figure, with oak leaves in his helmet, sits astride a solid, unmoving black horse. Holding a pentacle, he surveys the plowed fields before him. This card represents your need for solid dependability in relationships. The Knight of Pentacles will consider a matter thoroughly before making any romantic moves, but then be steadfast and reliable in his devotion. He may be homespun and down to earth, or a collector who likes to own things. This is an aspect of yourself or another who is dignified, proud and reserved in public, but in private is a sensualist, with a healthy appetite for physical pleasures. In fact, you could be taking great pride in a well-plowed field. In romance, it is likely to be someone’s material status and wealth that’s turning you on. At worst, the Knight of Pentacles becomes dull, plodding, or defensive and afraid of being emotionally vulnerable. The challenge here is to invest what you value most in a relationship that promises a sound return. Wait patiently for someone who is worth such consideration. Be realistic and practical.


All the meanings you've listed sound like the attributes the reversed meanings would bring. Every single one almost. Here's what I consider to be the upright meanings with regard to relationships:

Ace--that one I think you pretty much are right on.

Two: Being able to weigh things and take their time---they don't fly off the handle. They're the person who will say, "Now calm down, honey. It's not the end of the world. Let's figure this out together."

Three: 3 people working together on a common goal. This would be good if you got it in regard to a relationship where there was a 3rd family member---let's say a child in a relationship where one of the parties has a child before the relationship began. They'd do "family meeting night" and allow the son or daughter fair say.

Four: This isn't a miser in the sense he's Scrooge. He's someone with good money managing skills and would be the type to "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". A person who could show a partner that to save, wait, make good investments, etc. They're a very good relationship partner because they manage well. This guy isn't going out on payday and blowing his paycheck on sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. He's bringing the pay home (or actually these days, having direct deposit) and he or she level-headedly portioning out the money----so much for savings, food, etc.

Five: this is a person who doesn't run out on you when the going gets rough and that's a very good thing. He's going to help you find a remedy for whatever the ailment is in any sense. He's not going to run out on you if you develop cancer or have an accident that renders you in the position of needing extra help and concern.

Six: He's caring, compassionate and cares about others. He's willing to help those less fortunate but he's also considerate of you in the sense that he'll allow you to use money on things important to you, even if they're not particularly interested in whatever it is.

Seven: This person has worked hard getting things all his ducks in a row and is able to wait patiently for the results. He'd be investing money, for instance, instead of falling for get rich quick schemes.

Eight: Has attention and focus on the things that he/she does at work. And this includes a woman who stays home but works hard at thriftiness.

Nine: This card above all is a fantastically good card in relationships because this person isn't clingy, smothering, or neurotic. They can be happy with themselves and their own pursuits even if the other person isn't there. A good example would be a woman who is with a man who is in the service and is a career man who is gone a lot. Because they have their own interests and activities, they can bring to the relationship the "walk beside me, not in front or behind me" aspect. Very very good in relationships.

Ten: Speaks for itself and it's good.

King: solid, dependable, calm under pressure, whatever you need, he's able to provide it. Sexually, there's that song "I like a man with a slow hand" applies here, and that's another positive.

Knight is a late bloomer. He's everything the King is but he's just still working on it.

Queen: Martha Stewart, hippie momma---very good traits in a woman, but she's also very sensual.

Page: Good student, can focus closely on whatever he's doing----he's not the kid running amok and ricocheting off walls. He's happy just building models or reading books and quiet, scholarly things. He'd be winning at the school's science fair.

When I've said "he" it can be either gender.

Now what's so bad about all that? I think your mind has become set on "negative" in your dealings with this suit. It might be a good thing if you were to examine just why you see all the cards as being negative.

I am aware of the fact that my meanings tend to be more similar to the reversed cards, I thought about that many times. But your meanings apply to established relationships, try to think of someone who asked about a guy she is in love with and wanted to know how he felt towards her, and got the 2 of pents. Would you be happy to see that for someone you're in love with ? Would you think he feels the same way ? Or the knight of pents. Wouldn't that make you think, my god, it's going to take him forever to make a move, if he ever does ?
And the 5...would you like to see that in the future position in a relationship reading ? The 3, all I can say is that, in my experience, for two people who were not a couple already, they never became one with that card in the outcome position...but maybe that's me... As for the ten...I also used to see it as a card of completion in the positive, happy way, but every single time it has come up, in my experience, it spelled an ending...the king I agree, maybe I'm too harsh, the page does seem to me as someone who's too busy with his own stuff to get involved with anyone....the eight, I really can't see it, sorry....I can't get the picture of the diligent, dull guy bent down on his work, who may be a good person but as far as passion and sex appeal go, is about as sexy as a chamomile tea...maybe the 9 of pents is appealing in a way, but she's the picture of lonleyness...in an established relationship, the pents partner can certainly offer advantages, but what kind of advantage though ? The guy in the six, yes, he could be the one doing the giving, and the seven could just be assessing the fruit of his labour...but in terms of ACTION...absolutely none, he's just...waiting ?


I can't post the whole thing but here's an example of my romance meanings for the RWS Pentacles - used for automated phone tarot readings done for SELF Magazine (pre-apps). Although written over 25 years ago, I can see I've kept some of my early ideas and certain phrases have stuck in my head - interesting!

Eight of Pentacles
This is about working at love, maintaining your relationship, or improving your sexual or romantic skills. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, you are probably repeating the same tedious and boring moves. You could be preparing for a date. Or demonstrating your abilities, like cooking a fancy dinner. You may be trying to impress someone by your diligence and hard work: displaying your bank account and diplomas. Or you are proving your love by concentrating on investments, home improvement, career, and other long-term plans. But all this work could leave little time for romance. On the other hand, this card can be about making conquests and keeping score. At worst, you could be racking up the same mistakes in relationships over and over again. This card can also indicate falling in love with a craftsperson or someone who is devoted to their work. Put your time and efforts into improving your relationship: it will pay off in the long run.

Knight of Pentacles (mostly described as oneself)
An armored figure, with oak leaves in his helmet, sits astride a solid, unmoving black horse. Holding a pentacle, he surveys the plowed fields before him. This card represents your need for solid dependability in relationships. The Knight of Pentacles will consider a matter thoroughly before making any romantic moves, but then be steadfast and reliable in his devotion. He may be homespun and down to earth, or a collector who likes to own things. This is an aspect of yourself or another who is dignified, proud and reserved in public, but in private is a sensualist, with a healthy appetite for physical pleasures. In fact, you could be taking great pride in a well-plowed field. In romance, it is likely to be someone’s material status and wealth that’s turning you on. At worst, the Knight of Pentacles becomes dull, plodding, or defensive and afraid of being emotionally vulnerable. The challenge here is to invest what you value most in a relationship that promises a sound return. Wait patiently for someone who is worth such consideration. Be realistic and practical.

This is all very interesting, and I can see how it would work, but my point was not so much about pentacles as description of character types-which we may like or not like, or be drawn to or not, according to what we are like and what we find attractive; my point was also about what to expect, in the field of action, from cards such as the knight- knights are cards of action and movement, usually, whether it is angry as in the swords, or burning passion as in the wands, or romantic dreamer as in the cups...and every time I look at the knight of pents, I can't help noticing that he's the only knight who is not moving an inch...and all the things you said about the eight...he may be a well meaning guy alright, but can't you see how far away from the idea of romance he is ?


I want to carify this : I am not despising the way earth signs typically have of showing love and attraction, I'm just saying that maybe the pentacles as cards talk about something other than emotions and passionate love, at times even the lack of certain feelings...maybe this suit is meant to carry other messages...