Mystical Cats Tarot


Oops !

Hi Lunaea. I do love the deck - just that one cat doesn't feel cat to me... no disrespect ! Maybe it is someone else's spot on ! Mustachio looks lovely to me, after all !

Oh gosh, no disrespect felt, don't worry!

Dragon Dame

Much to See!

Thanks for mentioning the catnip on the card backs -- you're right, it is one of many wonderful touches. There really is so much to see and experience with this deck and book, I had not even really gotten into looking much at the backs!


Thanks for mentioning the catnip on the card backs -- you're right, it is one of many wonderful touches. There really is so much to see and experience with this deck and book, I had not even really gotten into looking much at the backs!

I feel SO stupid for not noticing the catnip on the back until I read this thread. It just made the deck 1000x better for me, and it was already tops!

Dragon Dame

Stupid x 2

Well! I logged back on to say that I'd replied to what VGimlet said, thinking I was tagging on to that post. Apparently I do not know how to navigate around this forum very well! So I feel stupid too. But glad you caught that catnip touch, Obsydian -- isn't that just great?


My fave kitty is probably strength, just because my beloved familiar was a silky black cat named Dracula ;) And Fire Kings tail: I loooove it! My absolute favorite part of a kitty is a fluffy tail so I first thing I looked for in this deck was the fluffy ones hehehe. This is such a precious deck, I never thought I would own one like this but since I AM obsessed with kitties I thought I would give it a try! I like the suit names and I like the card backs and I love the no borders. Haven't read with it yet but I'm very happy so far!


I just wanted to share how my cat looks like the Sea Tom. :D


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The model for that card is a cat named Mustachio, if that helps! ;-)

Lol, thanks Lunaea! Even with your heads up, I have trouble with the image. Time to update those reading glasses!

On a far more constructive note, an aspect of this deck that I particularly appreciate is that, unlike what one finds in so many cat Tarot decks, the cats here are not anthropomorphized. Each image is of a cat (or cats) involved in cat behavior appropriate to the card in question. As a cat lover, I am finding the deck quite lovely to work with.

A minor criticism that I have is that it does seem to me that the card titles are too small relative to the size of the cards. Aesthetically the proportion seems off to me. Who knows, maybe that just underscores the likelihood that I need new glasses! :D


Mine was waiting for me when I got home from work. I love the artwork. If I hadn't been so tired, I would have investigated it some more. Pretty much, I spent time with the book. What I found interesting is the artist would infuse her watercolors with different herbs while she was creating the images.

Ah so the cards do come with a book? I was looking at Mickie's Etsy store an so tempted to order the set with a bag (I am in love with the Sky King... being a wintery kinda human)... but the shipping to NZ is more than the combo pack. So back to BD... just wanted to make sure the book was included in the set!

I woud get it for that Sky King but look forward to seeing the other cards too...