The Numbers are Saying Something: but what?

Indigo Rose

BIG numbers messages past 2 days...

Yesterday was another crazy day. Things have been quiet for a few days prior. I still saw the strange patterns, but not as frequently...until yesterday.

Everytime I looked at the clock it was in the pattern: 10:44, 11:22, 11:55...9:11 ..etc..through the entire night. During the day, my business transactions held the numbers code for me...i.e I was #333 customer at the bank, my gas receipt was timed 14:44...down to waking up at 4:55 spontaneously. It seemed yesterday I couldn't escape them, even a phone call I received at 5:55. I had a busy and exhausting day, with a restless night. I slept late, but awakened finally at 11:44.

Today I have seen quite a few of the sequences, including as I just sat down after dinner to resume the readings I'm doing 7:44.

There is a restlessness of spirit right now for me. I've been praying that God would show me clearly if I am supposed to do something with these patterns. At this point, they do prompt me to pray...for my family, the world, and for guidance.

Waiting to see, to hear, and to know what I am supposed to do.

Indigo Rose :love:

Indigo Rose

Yesterday…June 11th , I was cleaning up and found an old book from my childhood...The Red Badge of Courage. I remember it well. It is an old worn paperback book...which I have never read. :( BUT yet there is a story to it.

On that day(June 11 1977)I wrote a message in the back of the book....and I will quote it here:
Somewhere in the year 2,000 to 3,000 there is going to be an anti-Christ. For more on this read the Bible. The back part. Read carefully. Good Luck.

This was written by the 11 year old me.. In the book, I also wrote
Sign Here….and I did. I signed my full name-age -date and time…I was very efficient for an 11 year old.
….full name written….age:11 Date: June 11, 1977
Time: 10:35 PM

Why in the world you ask does this matter? Good question.
Well, yesterday when I found that book on June 11, 2006 a full 29 years later I realized there was a reason I wrote those words….and there is a reason all the NUMBERS are talking to me. There is a message. Get ready.

Let me share more of what happened during the time I wrote the Message:

That same summer I would begin a study of the book of Revelation. I went to stay with my Grandmother and Grandfather(a retired preacher and a farmer):destiny #9 lifepath #11/2master. :) who was a Freemason for a time…but LEFT because he believed they were in conflict with the true LIGHT; and he believed were teaching lies and half-truths; according to what I was told.

My grandparents were people filled with deep and true faith in Jesus Christ. They were the REAL deal…no fakers here. I am grateful to the Lord for their influence in my life. My grandmother was a retired school teacher (both wife and daughter of ministers)…Taurus Sun, Moon Gemini….her mission in life was to bring LOVE, LIGHT, and JOY to children. She did it like no other woman I have ever known. Her part in this will be revealed shortly.

My reading of the incredible Prophetic Book of Revelation, prompted a vivid dream…which I have never forgotten…it was that real to me.
Before sharing that dream let me tell you that I was one precoscious child. I just knew everything and had an iron will….I mean not a surprise with a Venus Aquarius and Mercury in Aries(mercury ruler of both my natal and lunar charts) and a soul number 33/6. My dear grandmother also had an iron will(Taurus)…but for my GOOD. At that age…11…I challenged her authority when I stayed with her, but God taught me NOT to do that through a dream. Truly now I see he was teaching me even more than I ever realized.

It was a sunny day…truly beautiful. My grandmother and I went to an amusement park. Of all things she had on a blue sweat shirt(something my grandmother would never have worn). On it was written in big black letters: TAMMY’s HEAVEN. Tammy is my nickname. As we were walking through this fun place, I saw this huge exciting roller coaster and decided I WAS GOING to ride that baby! Well, not so fast. Grandmother sternly but kindly said NO! :) I could not…NO…I would not accept that answer and broke away from her; I said "I am going to ride this Grandma." Well there I went on my merry way to ride the roller coaster. I got on and proceeded to have a blast. Rolling…..dipping….just moving as fast as the wind….and WAY up in the air. WOW! What a ride! About midway through the fun, things took a horrible turn.

The sky turned black and filled with thunderstorms. The ground was shaking all around us. People were screaming. As I looked up into the sky, I saw my grandmother ascending into heaven. However, I could only see from the neck down because her head was hidden in the clouds. As I looked at her funny blue sweat shirt I noticed that the T from Tammy’s Heaven was falling off the shirt. I began sobbing….then I noticed ahead of me the tracks were broken….I was headed for certain death!
Bam…I awakened!

I woke up screaming and crying. It was midday…I was a night owl even then and summer vacation meant late nights and sleeping in. :) My grandmother came to comfort me and I told her the dream. She just smiled and said, “Don’t worry…think on good things.” Then she quoted the scripture to which she always referred when I was troubled: Philipians 4:4..8&9 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!.... Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

My first thoughts as an 11 year old were that this dream was given to me to teach me the importance of obedience to my grandmother…MORE THAN THAT…to MY GOD!
That summer, about a week after the dream, I followed my Lord Jesus in obedience and was baptized…promising to claim Him as my ONE true Lord until death. Jesus was truly my first love. He had been with me from my earliest days. I talked to Him, cried to Him, and even felt His presence from as long as I can remember. HE truly has been my constant guide; even though I have been a strong-willed child, He has never stopped talking to me.

My grandmother passed on in October 2001…just after the 9/11 tragedy. We had to fly out to the funeral. It was chaos. I remember watching a group of men of Arabic descent being held and spoken to in Chicago, while their wives minded the children. There was a terrible heaviness in the air. Something had changed forever….our World would never be the same. It was at that time I could no longer deny, the prophecy in the Word….it will be fulfilled. The clock is ticking.

At that time, I had a huge spiritual awakening and would also be blessed to meet the LOVE of my life…a truly beautiful soul…my husband. I actually met him in that same month…he…like my grandfather is a minister and with master numbers.. Personality #11/2, life path #33/6.)

The story of our meeting is QUITE incredible…but I will save that for another time.

After the course of the past 6 years…and most especially this past 2 years I have come to believe we are watching the Prophecies of the Holy Scriptures being fulfilled. Finding that little old book The Red Badge of Courage on June11, 2006(29 years later…which is 2+9=11)is NOT a coincidence. That I wrote the “message” on June 11,1977 at age 11 does not feel like just a coincidence. Looking at all the NUMBERS I have been seeing for 6 months now and the numbers that appeared connected to this in the book… I believe it God is communicating to be ready. The World is about to see the prophecies fulfilled.

That is why many of us here on AT are ill at ease…we see strange numbers…we have visions…we have dreams…the Spirit is moving like never before in OUR lifetimes. This is one more prophecy fulfilled….

Joel 2:28, 29and 32..
"And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
And everyone who calls
on the name of the LORD will be saved”….

God’s spirit is moving across the World. People are awakening to the Spirit and are becoming in “tune” with the spirit realm.

Now I know I risk a lot bringing such things to this community; many diverse beliefs are found here. Yet, we are ALL connected. It is my belief that the Hebrew God-Jehovah made us all. He loves us all, and wants us to live in a perfected state of LOVE…in His eternal LIGHT! This is why Jesus the Christ was sent for us…to show us the way home…not for a few, as the “fundies and evangelicals”teach…but for ALL HUMANKIND!!! He is the GOD of all people...our Creator. Mysteriously both Mother and Father....yet, truly GOD!! He is a huge mystery to me, but has allowed glimpses; and even with that it feels like the Creator is so close and touchable; everytime I LOVE or am LOVED....I feel GOD. That's the best witness I can ever give anyone....GOD IS LOVE.

John 3:16 + 17
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Peace :heart:

Indigo Rose chance that was post #22 and I posted it at 4:22 according to my clock. ;)
Not something I could have planned if I tried!

Peace :heart:


11 is also the number of clairvoyancy. "My" number 47 collapses into 11 and has been appearing very very regularly recently. I keep looking at the clock at 47 minutes past, or at 47 seconds past, or stopping a stopwatch dead on 47 second and so on. I think it refers to my "purpose", though I think it is just a "dummy" number that I chose sometime back when I was still planning this life!

There is a stanza in Nostradamus (unassigned, at least by the author of my copy) which gave me a fright. Century 6, Verse 59:

"Dame en fureur par rage d'adultere
"Viendra a son Prince conjurer nom de dire:
"Mais bref cogneu sera le vitupere
"Que seront mis dix sept a martyre"

(The lady, furious, in an adulterous rage, will come to conspire not to speak to her Prince. But the culprit will soon be known so that seventeen will be martyred.)

I can see shades of myself - avoiding colleagues who I think have been sucked into a fallacy to please others in high places in this country and who I think are having a laugh at their expense, but not wanting to hurt them any more than they are being hurt already - and my "purpose" in this - I was seventeen when I think I was told about it, and the martyrdom which it may refer to - figurative rather than literal - happened on the 17th March this year. As for adultery, me and my partner are on different sides of the fence in this context and if my people get what they want, his people will suffer; and my mother really laid in to me when I was "unfaithful" to his people and changed sides - but it made me feel like I'd come home and I was at last on the right track. Nostradamus worked with allegory a lot of the time and his work suffers because of literal interpretations of it. And for me it is a Prince I am avoiding, not a King ("over the water" as I have heard it put).

Before I heard what had happened I also caught the clock on that day at 17:17 - I remember remarking to my mother about it at the time. I have a little antique prayerbook which I used as an oracle similar to the Tao Te Ching, and for a while it kept opening on a page referring to 17. This afternoon I heard someone say very clearly something about "17 acres..." and suddenly 17 was all around me like a glove - seventeen of this, seventeen of that...!!!

I can't go into it more because I would be annoying the moderators (it's connected to my work on British politics), but numbers are one of God's gifts to humankind and they are always meaningful. (Both my sister and I were born on the 25th of the month, May and October respectively - my dad was very happy we both came on pay-day!) Ironically in this situation I shy away from reading tarot...maybe I should have more confidence in my powers of interpretation!

Indigo Rose

Crowqueen said:
I can't go into it more because I would be annoying the moderators (it's connected to my work on British politics), but numbers are one of God's gifts to humankind and they are always meaningful. (Both my sister and I were born on the 25th of the month, May and October respectively - my dad was very happy we both came on pay-day!) Ironically in this situation I shy away from reading tarot...maybe I should have more confidence in my powers of interpretation!

Blessings be upon you! Thank you for sharing your amazing story. Yes, I understand your caution....very wise. As for the reading of Tarot on such topics, my feelings have changed over this past year. Now, I do consult my Lord using the gift of Tarot, for many topics such as this....don't be afraid! Let the Spirit guide are LOVED!!

I can see you have awakened to your I have mine. :love:

God Bless You!

Indigo Rose

A Dream and a Reading.....

Last night I was very restless. My husband slept like a rock, but I couldn’t sleep at all. I finally dozed off after the sun came up; even then, I slept lightly. Despite this I had a very unusual dream.

The Dream
My husband and I were in bed. He was sound asleep, just as he was in real life next to me….and I was twilighting; much like I had been doing in real life prior to falling asleep. Our room looked different than in real life. We had white walls and hardwood floors, very different from our real room. In the dream, I opened my eyes from the twilight state to see a green orb floating in the air out in the room. It was projecting a very evil energy…deeply frightening to my soul. I prayed to the Holy Spirit for our protection. Just then I turned my head to the right and a mirror appeared. In the mirror was the most amazing vision I have ever seen. The trunk of a huge old growth tree was before me; only I couldn’t see the leaves. In the background, the sky was black. However, right in front of the tree stood a white lamb with intense and powerful eyes staring back at me. Peace flooded my soul, and at that moment I awakened.

It was afternoon by now and my husband was awakening too. I shared the dream and he asked if I noticed water flowing near the tree. The answer was no. It was just as I described…nothing more…nothing less. When I asked him why, he quoted a scripture…which I will reveal later in this post.

I got up and started getting myself moving and Mother called…the caller ID said 2:33. That started the ball rolling for the numbers sequencing….all through the afternoon and evening. Every chore or event seemed timed by my familiar number sequences. For some reason a little voice said, "ask your husband if he wants a reading"…I did…he said yes. He asked me to do a What’s Going On Spread from Power Tarot by Macgregor and Vega….this is one I use frequently. I used the deck I only use for him: The Golden Rider Tarot. He always shuffles it for his readings.

In the next post, I will describe the reading.

Indigo Rose

The Reading....

Here is the layout:

1 & 2…What’s going on now…including what you may not see.
5..Where the issue is headed
6&7…What to expect based on the patterns of the present moment.
8&9…What you can do if you don’t like the situation
10…The outcome

I will write the cards out as they appeared.

3)King of Wands 4)Queen of Wands-------8)3 of Wands 9) Page of Wands

----------------------5)The Empress(3)---------------10)Knight of Cups

1)3 of Pentacles -----2) The Fool-----6)The High Priestess(2)—7)5 of Wands

Some things jumped out at me right away. First the 3:3:3 code I have gotten recently…in fact, I got this same code for this approaching week….WEEK 3 in my June monthly readings…which is dated 16th-23. Here is a link to my monthly reading for those interested.Monthly

The other things I noticed:
*Yellows throughout the card: The sky in the Fool; the dress on the Queen; the sky of the Empress; the sky and water of the 3 of wands; the suit and desert landscape of the Page of Wands. This also connects to the Sun card which I have been getting daily in my personal readings, since last week.

*The amount of Wands…5 of the 10 card spread are Wands: connecting to spirituality.

*The King of Wands and Queen of Wands appear together at the top of the spread….both look very connected and very much as if they are a unit; it is beautiful.

*Blues…blues are threaded through the reading….the blue sky behind the thrones of the King and Queen; the blue river flowing from the trees towards the Empress; the blue gown and robe of the High Priestess…along with the blue waters behind her; finally, the blue calm waters in the Knight of Cups.

*The High Priestess has a white cross on her gown; which is very significant to us because of our faith in Christ.

*The wands are all living wands…leaves sprouting on them. This, along with the flowing waters, is significant to the scripture I mentioned above that my husband quoted me after hearing my dream and asking about water near the tree. I will quote the scripture further down the post.

*3:3:3.. is seen in THREE ways:

1st… With the actual cards appearing….3 of Pentacles, The Empress(3), and the 3 of Wands.

2nd … I use a technique where I combine card groupings to come up with what I call a “mini-QC” or quintessential card coming from the sum of the digits.
Here is the break down:
….1) In grouping one…3 of Pentacles is paired with The Fool(3+0=3)…mini qc=The Empress3.
…..2)Next is the Empress card and thus is her own mini-qc for that segment=The Empress3.
….3)The final grouping is the 3 of Wands paired with The Page of Wands(3+0=3)…mini qc=The Empress 3.

3rd …The imagery in cards at the top right...3 of Wands…which has 3ships on the yellow water; and finally The Page of Wands has3pyramids in the background.

.....Summary of 3’s Numeric Pattern:This means the 3:3:3 pattern appears 3:3:3 times in the reading. This is the most amazing reading pattern I have ever gotten….the way it ties into the number sequences is uncanny.
My husband and I both share the 33/6 master number…his Life Path and my Soul number. He is a 3rd house Sun as well.
3 is associated with both LEO(The Sun) and Gemini(3rd house). Another very odd thing is the way the 3’s that fall in the spread are laid out. It starts at the bottom left, shoots across the middle, up to the top far right…one could draw an imaginary arrow through it; which would resemble the symbol for Sagittarius. My husband has a Sag moon, and I have Sag as my 7th house cusp (ruling relationships). There is truly an amazing connection to us, as individuals and as a couple.

*One other interesting number pattern is ZERO….The Fool…and oddly enough the Fool appears 3 times.
Here is how:
1) The first segment….The Fool(0) is paired with the 3 of Pentacles.
2) The second segment…the King of Wands and The Queen of Wands are not numbered…and that is how I always read them, despite differing opinions among Tarot readers who number them…I do not; so the second segment has a mini qc of The Fool(0).
3) The third segment….The final card is the Knight of Cups…also not numbered and thus making the mini qc The Fool(0).
I looked up the (0) in my numerology bookThe Complete Idiot’s Guide to Numerology by Kay Lagerquist and Lisa Lenard. Here is what it says:
The number 0 shouldn’t be ignored. It represents an energy that’s unformed and pregnant with potential: After all, it’s full and empty at the same time. In fact, the 0 is the symbol of an open channel to higher forces.

*Looking at the last unrecorded mini qc we find the segment with The High Priestess(2) and the 5 of wands bringing us to 7-The Chariot.

*The Quintessential card, or sum of the entire reading is 16-The Tower.

* Another odd connection: when I looked at the water flowing in the Knight of Cups the words from the 23rd Psalm came to me: He leads me beside the still waters. As I was adding up the number patterns and placing the 3’s and 0’s together…I noticed the 7 of the Chariot and the 16 of the Tower were left….I added them together and got 23. I felt very much a strong connection coming through to Psalm 23.

Now for the most amazing part of this whole reading and dream event.
Earlier on I mentioned my husband asking me if I had seen water flowing near the tree in my dream. I did not. When I asked him why, he said that the first thing that came in his mind when I told him of the tree was this scripture:

Psalm 1:3:
“He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.”

Here before our eyes the scriptures came to LIFE in this reading…and connected to my dream!!!!! The living wands...the waters...the ripeness of the Empress and the 3's...even the verse itself is a 3.

I will close leaving you with the complete 23rd Psalm and this thought….I truly believe the Lord spoke to us today. He spoke to us of great blessings and eternal hope….this comforted us in these troubled times.

Psalm 23(New King James Version)
The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Indigo Rose :love:

Indigo Rose

My prayers are with the World...for peace and hope.
My hopes are to remain in LOVE and PEACE, and be a source of encouragement...come what may.

Closing this with a prayer:

Please guide us to walk in peace and live in love. Please guide me to understanding the numeric messages and other signs you send; so that I may be a source of hope in the World and make a difference.

In Christ,

:heart: Indigo Rose

Indigo Rose

"Saturday, July 22, 2006; Posted: 5:11 a.m. EDT (09:11 GMT)
BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- Israel and Hezbollah militants resumed their attacks on each other Saturday as their conflict entered an 11th day amid the possibility of a full-scale ground war."

The past 2 days I have been seeing the numeric messages with increased intensity. Today is mom's 60th Birthday. I happened to take note of the CNN marks the 11th day of the Middle East 11 days later on the 22nd day of the month.

I now feel that these numeric messages may be the warnings of War. Looking back at the readings I have done, and the numeric sequences I see the Number 3....huge in my feels like this may be a warning that we are headed for World War III.
I am praying for peace.



Indigo Rose said:
I now feel that these numeric messages may be the warnings of War. Looking back at the readings I have done, and the numeric sequences I see the Number 3....huge in my feels like this may be a warning that we are headed for World War III.
I am praying for peace.

Gosh, I keep getting that feeling as if there is going to a World War 3 soon. Dunno why.. thats scary.. :(