Project: Scrying For Beginners I


i shall be using my crystal ball.

i have tried this before, but saw absolutely nothing!


I tried to do skrying on the cheap, with what I have at home. I got a glossy earthenware blue bowl, filled with water up to half inch from the top, then added three drops of rubberstamp black ink that I happened to already have. The ink dissolved very well in the water, which became very black as a result. After that I was a bit at loss on the best way to proceed. Have a few questions, hope someone can help.

How should I position the bowl with respect to me? If my eyes are directly above and perpendicular to the water surface, the reflection of my face will occupy much of what is to seen on the bowl. Or alternatively should I place the bowl at some other angle with respect to my eyes?

How much light should there be in the room? A lot? Just one lit candle? Or even less than a candle light, for example by shading some electric light? And if a candle is to be used, how should it be placed relatively to myself and the bowl?



scrying bowl position for Antonio

Have the bowl near to you and raised up slightly, on a stack of books for instance, so that you can see the water without reflections. Darkened room, and one candle behind you but to the right or left. I also use crystals in the appropriate colour which are charged to be the quarter lights placed in their quarters to protect me during the scrying.

I don't scry too often, as I have found it just shows me tragic events to come, if I want a 'general' divination I use the cards or runes.


Hi Sherringham,

Thanks a lot for the information.

If I understand you well, the line of sight from my eyes to the water should be almost parallel to the water surface, correct? In that case it means I should fill the bowl to the brim, because if not full I won’t see much of the surface, correct?

Also what size of bowl do you recommend? Currently I am using one with 14 cm diameter (5.5 ”). Should I use one bigger, or even a dish?



I've been thinking about trying out scrying for some time too but i haven't really known what to do!

I think I'm going to try out a bowl filled with diluted black ink. I'm also thinking about trying valeria's idea because I too have an iMac :)

I once bought a TINY crystal ball, but i couldn't look at it for long because I was a little scared to see anything.


I have a metal bowl that I have filled with water with a drop of ink. One lit candle, less than a minute, and the water clouded over. After that I was in trance. I got freaked out and tried to come out of trance, but it was like coming up from the bottom of a pool - took a few moments. That was some years ago, and I got scared (as I did with several experiences I didn't know how to handle).

I'm glad to see this thread. My bowl is still here waiting patiently, and I've been eyeing crystal balls, so I think I may give it another go.

It's so hard in a small apartment with a lovely little child who never takes a nap. When we move I'll have a windowless walk in closet that I can hide in.

Thank you Yuko for the tip on full moon charging. I think I'll try it.


scrying project

Hi! Im in....(cant remeber if I replied to first post on this subject or not!) anyway, I will be using either a dark blue bowl with water in dim room, or my coffe cup. (Just until June. When I go to doc appointment will by the cheap pic frame and paint it like the post suggested!) Cant wait to see how/when/wnat-who it goes! LOL Blessings, Kim (BTW...never done this before so realllll newbie)


Hi, I've been struggling with scrying for a while.....using a bowl and ink primarily.....problems with reflections etc......but, I came across this site yesterday (from a link on here, somewhere) which talks about eyelid makes a lot of sense and I tried it last night (but fell asleep....don't do this lying down!!)...
Also, this Llewellyn site has hundreds of great articles too!!



I wonder

My wordfinder wouldn't show me what _scrying_ is in swedish. But my knowlige since earlier says it has something to do with seeing into the future, gathering information about the things that has not yet become visible. A short search on the web told med that scrying is done with an objekt of some sort. Is this posible to do with just your self? No mirrors, candels or anything? Or is it something else then?

If it is the same then I have a lot of stories to share.. well I think. All the stories sort of blends in to each other.
How ever, I do see the things I want to, but I do so regardless I have an objekt or no objekt. What I mean is that the thing I do is as good when using any objekt as just using my mind.

So would this be a kind of scrying?


fantasymoon said:
How ever, I do see the things I want to, but I do so regardless I have an objekt or no objekt. What I mean is that the thing I do is as good when using any objekt as just using my mind.

So would this be a kind of scrying?

I think this is what wolfmaiden was talking about - "eyelid scrying" means only using the inside of your closed eyelids as an "object."

How wonderful that you have such a strong gift!